
A Gue'vesa settlement on the planet of Ka'dheshe'a within the Damocles Marches. When exiled from Outremer Baudouin d'Châtillon came to Ka'dheshe'a and married Morphia of Malat'ya who bore him four children; (Melisende, Haalis, Hodierna and Ioveta). Following Melisende's ascension Malat'ya and indeed the whole of Ka'dheshe'a were incorporated into the territory of Outremer.

Industry & Trade

Main export is Mel'i (T'au: proper noun) a sweet condiment refined from the excretions of the Dumbledor (or Hummerhorn), a xenos insect native to T'au space. Mel'i is highly-valued by the T'au, but farming of Dumbledors is exceptionally dangerous to them and so is only carried out by humans. Mel'i harvesting in Malat'ya is a cottage industry and most of the trade is on the black market, carried out by unlicensed traders and unregulated and untaxed by the T'au.
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Owning Organization
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