Nouveau Châtillon

The settlement on the planet of Ka'dheshe'a founded by Baudouin d'Châtillon and his followers when they were exiled from Outremer. Under his leadership it grew in power and enjoyed cordial diplomatic relations with local Gue'vesa settlements including Malat'ya on Ka'dheshe'a. Baudouin married Morphia of Malat'ya and she bore him four daughters; Melisende, Haalis, Hodierna and Ioveta.

Industry & Trade

Formerly an industrialized-harvest of Mel'i from battery-farmed Dumbledors, refined and processed in factories and sold to the T'au Empire. This large-scale distribution of a quasi-narcotic to their subjects was not appreciated by the Ethereals (who had tolerated the cottage industry production and distribution of Mel'i in Malat'ya) and they attacked and destroyed the city, killing Baudouin and Morphia.
Location under
Owning Organization
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