

  The nobility is the most elite class of the kingdom, despite lacking political power. Most of the nobility is made up of successful business and trades folk, who have grown enough wealth to be recognized by the King. The only exceptions to this are members of a Laird's family, who by right of their family position are the richest citizens of the kingdom, and the Seneschals of the kingdom, who are sponsored by their Lairds. Every noble is provided permanent, comfortable lodgings within the inner circles of The Royal City, a place in the royal court, and standing invitations to every estate in the kingdom.
In the Kingdom of Éirigh, the two most important roles of a Noble are to financially support any military action the King may make, and to represent the full grandeur and power of the kingdom in social functions. They are the stained glass windows of the kingdom, primarily used to display wealth to foreign dignitaries. Additionally, in war times the most trusted and loyal nobles become the advisors of the King.


Nobles exist in two basic groups:
1) Those that have been granted an honorary title and position in the King's court due to their political connections, personal connections to the King, fetes of loyalty and bravery, or to recognize their wealth and utility in the kingdom, or
2) Family members of the King or any Laird of the kingdom.
Members of foreign nobility would also be referred to as nobles.


A noble of any kind must make a pledge of loyalty to the King.


The King alone can appoint someone to the status of a Noble, with the sole exception of a Seneschal, who is selected by their Laird. Most nobility exists with an honorary title, which can be passed down through families unless they are dismissed or demote themselves to the level of a Tenant due to financial struggles.


To support the will of the King.


Few, besides residing as an informal jury of the royal court, maintaining proper etiquette, and attending social events, unless a specific request is made by the King or his household. This changes in wartime, however, as the nobles are called upon to financially support any military actions the King may make.


All the comforts and complications of the upper classes, as well as the opportunity to live within the central circles of The Royal City. Nobles are also accepted freely by every Laird of the kingdom, and often enjoy the best hospitality available. Perhaps the greatest benefit, however, is the ability to be seen and noticed by the King. It is common for a Noble to find employment in the King's courts, The Royal Guard, or The Royal Navy, any of which could put them in the optimal position to either marry into The Royal Family or be elevated to the position of a Laird.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Nobles are expected to be seen exclusively in the finest dressings money can buy, from gowns and garments to carriages, and everywhere in between. The nobility exists almost solely as an example of the wealth of the kingdom, and they are expected to show it.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Dismissal of nobility is highly common, especially for those with honorary titles. The King has the power to strip one of their position for the slightest offense, the epitome of which was seen when King Máirtín I dismissed a Lord for sneezing too loud in his presence. However, the richer a Noble is, the more secure their position is, and the richest families in the kingdom have remained nobles for as long as the kingdom has existed.


The position of Noble was created with the founding of the kingdom, as a way to honor members of the upper classes that were not entrusted with a Lairdship.

Cultural Significance

While nobles have little political power, they often create the core businesses and trades of the kingdom, and are highly respected for their wealth and connections. Additionally, it is the nobles that provide a vast amount of wealth in times of war that keep the kingdom's defenses strong.

Quick Facts

Nobility, Honorific / Ceremonial
In Effect, typically Ceremonial
Form of Address
Lord (masc) ; Lady (fem) ; Lighty (non-binary)
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Lifetime or until dismissal, can be hereditary
Reports directly to

Cover image: by Photo by Steije Hillewaert on Unsplash


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