Day of Song Festival


The Day of Song festival dates back to the early days of the Storytellers , when the peoples of Vellikka were first coming together to share information and learn from one another.    It is said to have been inspired by the Mispa Bird, whose call can impersonate any sound it hears, but also, when left to its own devices, has a beautiful song.


Every year, the day after the summer solstice, people gather in their settlements across the land, and share themselves with their communities. They sing songs, play music, laugh and joke together. Today, everyone can be a Storyteller  Food and drinks are prepared the day before, so that no one need work on this day, and a shared meal of cold meats and salads is part of the festivities. There is often drinking and dancing as well, but the focus is on sharing the experiences with each other.    It is not always a happy day. Emotions fluctuate throughout the day, and while some take great joy in the events, others take the opportunity to share their grief with others, to lament the losses which have come to pass and exorcise their soul of their grief.


The events of the day are usually started by the Storyteller, who may begin a story with questions and not answers. There is no set schedule for who may speak when, but many Storytellers and Storykeepers see it as their duty to ensure that everyone gets their turn and that everyone participates as much or as little as they are comfortable.
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