

There are no official qualifications needed to be a Storyteller, but you must be on the Storytellers path. They have to prove themselves as a Storylistener and show the Storykeeper that they are able to craft stories well, as well as listen and offer advice to their community.


The appointment of a new Storyteller, once a Storykeeper has chosen to allow them to step up, is marked by the Exchanging Words ceremony. This involves the entire community, because the role of Storyteller is so pivotal to everyone in the settlement.


Despite their name, the Storyteller spends as much time listening as they do thinking. Their duties include meeting regularly with the Storykeeper and those in the Rulers pathway to ensure they understand what stories are important for the community to hear.


The Storyteller is responsible for telling stories. They share the stories with groups or with individuals as needed. They may craft their own new stories, or repeat old stories, or the stories crafted by the Storylistener  They may advise a Ruler.

Cultural Significance

The role of Storyteller is central to the community in which they live, and therefore the appointment of a Storyteller is not taken lightly. Storytellers speak the words the community needs to hear, helping them learn from lessons of the past and make decisions which will shape the future. They work with the Rulers in this regard, but they also help individuals work through the problems in their lives in a way which Rulers are unlikely to get involved with.
Form of Address
Storyteller, Teller
Length of Term
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