Director of Relations

"The Director of Relations is a pivotal part of Peacekeeper Diplomacy. Without them, all the hard work that has gone before means nothing. They are the ones who make sure that the treaties aren't written in mud. Without them, the whole process falls over."  
— Extract from Your Word Is Not Enough; Building A Sustainable and Useful Treaty
by Peacekeeper M'Plisk


The Director of Relations is in charge of the final step in the process within Peacekeeper Diplomacy before a new planet gets passed on to Peacekeeper Integrity. Their responsibilities include:  
Overseeing Initiations
Working together with the Director of Negotiation and the Head of Peacekeeper Diplomacy to plan a new planet's initiation.  
Anticipating Issues
Using prior knowledge to anticipate and mitigate against potential issues with the initiations, while making a planet feel heard.  
Deciding Impacts
Setting out clear boundaries and deciding on actions if relations begin to break down.  
Liaising With Integrity
Liaising with Peacekeeper Integrity to set the planet up for being fully integrated.  


To Integrate
  Once a planet has signed a treaty, it is the job of the Relations people to assimilate the new world into The Alliance.   They must ensure that the people of the new planet are capable of upholding all of the terms of the treaty that they have signed, whether or not they were aware of them before they signed.


In order to step into the position of Director of Relations, there are several routes a person could take. These include:  
Orthodox Route
  • Min 6 years at Peacekeeper Academy, including 90% or higher in all Foundations Courses
  • Min 10 years working within Peacekeeper Diplomacy under Relations
Unorthodox Route 1
Unorthodox Route 2

Related Articles

Organisations Peacekeeper Command, Peacekeeper Alliance, Peacekeeper Diplomacy, Peacekeeper Efficiency, Peacekeeper Academy, Peacekeeper Integrity
People Peacekeeper, Pachian
Locations Peacekeeper Territories, P'Ache Prime, Space Station One


To Integrate
Civic, Diplomatic
Form of Address
Source of Authority
Peacekeeper Alliance
Length of Term
Once appointed, life term
Reports directly to
Related Organizations


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