Idioms, Expressions and Common Peacekeeper Proverbs

"I am so tired of having to explain myself to peoples from other cultures. I do not think there is anything very complicated in the words I use. You don't have to be A.I. to understand. With some people I want to just delete the data but I think the moon is already passing."  
— Extract from Travelling To Victory: An Exploration of Victalis System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly


  There are a lot of idioms and phrases which are used within the Peacekeeper Alliance, however, that does not mean that they are universal within every corner of the Peacekeeper Territories. Although a few might have been picked up by other species, they are mostly from Primian, Majoran, Minoran and Macran cultures, and are therefore far more commonly used in the P'Ache Solar System than any of the other systems.  


Idioms are generally words which have a meaning not necessarily clear from the words themselves. This is a list of idioms which are popular with Pachians.  
Idiom Meaning Origin
A storm hiding a sunrise A good thing that seemed bad at first Primian, from their months of constant storms
A thought in the mind of a Minoran Something common Minorans are reknown thinkers
Float around the mud Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable Macran, from the idea of making a footprint in the swamps
Skip the negotiations and go straight to the weapons To get something over with because it is inevitable From the image of a failed negotiation
Make progress Good luck From the idea that progress is part conviction and part luck
File it Stop working on something From the practice of filing something and it getting lost in the files
Making a pact to save a Pak Doing something poorly in order to save time or money A Pak is the Peacekeeper currency, and a pact isn't something you should ever enter into lightly
Take a step out of the mantle Slow down Primian, from the mantles which protect settlements from the storms. The mantles sped up production and Primian's progress
Lose the land Out of control From the time of ground wars for the Primians
Just sign on the line Do the thing you've been wanting to do so you can move on From the idea of persuading people to sign peace treaties
Stop sky gazing Focus on what you should be doing Derogatory take on the thoughtfulness of Minoran
Don't doubt the data Trust what someone says From the idea that data is indisputable
Delete the data Start over Removing what has already been done so that nothing is there to start from
Wait until the mud dries Don't give up Macran, from the idea that the traditional mud skin drawings don't look good until the mud has dried
You don't have to be A.I. to understand It's not complicated A.I. is considered a higher level of intelligence
Don't blame the digitiser for the output To not hold someone responsible for something Digitisers is a machine which traditionally provide data pulled from the Primian data centres.
Leave out the terms Tell something briefly From the extensive terms typically included in treaties and other documentation
The moon is passing It's too late From P'Ache Micro where the moon passes once every 13 months disrupting signals
Dig yourself to the surface You have to work for what you want From when the Primians lived below ground to avoid the storms
Find your structure Calm down Majoran phrase of unknown origin
My Primian has worn off My patience has run out The idea that Primians have high standards and that they have been worn down
A cloudless day An ideal situation From the Primian, where storms are extremely common
If in doubt, keep thinking Keep trying From the Minorans, who value thinking
Can't see the glory To get upset From The Alliance motto, in which glory is the future
Wait for the data to come in Let's not talk about that problem right now Again, the idea that data is indisputable
Process the problem Understand something complicated The idea that technology can make the complex less complicated


These expressions don't necessarily have a known origin, and are likely to be more obscure than the idioms listed above.  
Expression Meaning
You have the same data I do I don't know
Speak like a Minoran Tell me what you're thinking
A storm of moons The worst possible situation
Data over descriptions Better to show than tell
Better a signature than a promise What you have now is worth more than what you might have later
Adding mud to it To make a bad situation worse
In the wrong system To be looking for solutions in the wrong place
Starting without a script Take on a project that you cannot finish
A swamp to a storm Comparing two things that cannot be compared
Part you with your name Very expensive
Worth a promise Have a high value
Haven't asked a Majoran Do something without having planned beforehand
Like a Minoran with a multitool You're not very good at this
Don't sign before the terms are written What you're doing is too risky
Written in mud To do something pointless
Spot the perfect star Get something exactly right
The ink's not dry This isn't over yet
Like finding mud on Micro It's easy
Data before decision Take only calculated risks
Last chance to fly If you make another mistake, there will be trouble
Adding an egg to the Fraga To spoil something
Like a Minoran night Perfect
A fish from the sky Something that happened without warning
Making a Kranta in a swamp No chance at all


These proverbs are less frequently used than the idioms and expressions above, but tend to have a message or lesson behind them. They are more commonly used by older Pachians.  
Expression Meaning
An artist in a data center can do more harm than good People who don't understand something fully are dangerous
You don't tell the Sirap when you're making a Sankla People who know too much are dangerous
The sky is clear after the moon has passed Good things come after bad things
A mudslide can start with a single step Events have momentum and build upon each other
Stop the Notlih before the herd follows Fix the problem now because it will get worse later
Don't call the armada over a missed appointment Don't make a big fuss about a small problem
Catching the leaf is easier than replanting the forest You can prevent a problem with little effort. Fixing it later is harder
You never know when a cross word will cross you Don't destroy relationships
There's a storm on the wind Something bad is coming
Complaining won't stop the moon from passing There's no reason to complain about something that can't be fixed
Don't focus on the output before the inputs done Stop asking questions
Every Emong flies high once Everyone gets a chance at least once
Getting closer to a Screat don't improve the smell The better you know someone the less you like them
Don't sign the contract without reading it You'll make mistakes if you rush through something
Go back to the control Hear something from the person involved
You can't make a Trangen until the Globnans are in your hand Don't count on something good happening until it's happened.
The ship doesn't choose the destination If you can't do the job, don't blame it on others
There's never only one signatory One person alone isn't responsible. Both people are responsible
Get out of the mantle before the storms come Take advantage of a good situation
No one takes on a Acasej twice You're more cautious when you've been hurt before
A Macran can't tell a Majoran how to build People who are questionable shouldn't criticize others
Every spoonful of Ressure can make its own Rantis Don't waste things and you'll always have enough
Prep the sketch before you build Getting a good start is important
Hold onto the reins or the Ikkne will ride you You'll get what you want by being firm
You can't force an Emong to fly You can't force someone to make the right decision
No treaty is selfless There's always a cost to doing something

Related Articles

Organisations Peacekeeper Command, P'Ache Prime Media Outlets, Peacekeeper Academy, Peacekeeper Integrity
Culture PA Standard Commands, Social Rules for Peacekeepers
Locations Peacekeeper Territories, P'Ache Solar System, The Primary Territories, The Aspiration System, The Victalis System
  Background   Idioms   Expressions   Proverbs


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Jan 17, 2024 22:32 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

this is a nice list! I like how the explanations and their origins are all addressed. This makes me very interested in the stories of this world. And, once again, these layouts are really nice. I love the design. Thanks again for sharing and God bless! <3

Jan 21, 2024 19:13 by Elspeth

Thank you so much! This one was so much fun to write, I'm glad you like the origins. <3

So many worlds to choose from...
Jan 21, 2024 23:28 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there again! Just wanted you to know that I've now added your article to my #WBResolutions article which explains why I was inspired by it (and also declares you an official shortlister for the Generic Special Category win)! Check it out here: If you'd like me to take it down or something, let me know. Thanks again for being awesome! God bless!

Jan 22, 2024 13:52 by Elspeth

Oh wow! That's so exciting, and thank you so much for your kind words. <3

So many worlds to choose from...
Jan 27, 2024 21:11 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is a wonderful collections of expressions and proverbs. I love the detail and texture this can add to a culture. You're very good at this.   My favourite is 'leave out the terms'.

Jan 28, 2024 09:49 by Elspeth

Thank you so much. There were points where it felt written in mud, but it's nice to hear that I spotted the perfect star. I had to file it for fear of adding an egg to the Fraga! OK, I'll stop. Thank you so much for reading and for your comments! I really appreciate it!

So many worlds to choose from...
Jan 30, 2024 00:14 by E. Christopher Clark

I can see why this won its category for WorldEmber. It's so well done and is inspiring me to go back and do some work on my own "Edenian Slang" article from WE. I really love the columns you've got going on, which makes parsing everything so much easier than the layout I went for.   Anyway, in terms of favorites, I'm torn between "If in doubt, keep thinking" and "A storm of moons."

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Jan 30, 2024 21:27 by Elspeth

Thank you so much! It's fun how having this list has caused a lot of it to infiltrate my work and, I think, improve it, it feels more authentic. I'm really glad you like it. "A storm of moons" is one of my favourites as well. :)

So many worlds to choose from...