Junior Wrangler


There are no qualifications needed to become a Junior Wrangler, a person must simply choose the Wranglers path when they are given the opportunity to do so.


The Junior Wranglers duties are as follows in priority order:
  1. Learn from the Wrangler and Old Wrangler 
  2. Assist the other Wranglers in looking after animals (or on occassion children)
  3. Assist the other Wranglers in removing unwanted animals
  4. Watch and learn as other Wranglers deal with emergencies unless otherwise instructed. 


Junior Wranglers may be given specific tasks and responsibilities, depending on who is teaching them and what they are most adept at. For example, a Junior Wrangler may be given the responsibility of feeding livestock regularly, or cleaning out livestock's sleeping areas, for the tenure of their position studying under a particular Wrangler.
Form of Address
Junior Wrangler
Alternative Naming
Length of Term
1 to 3 years depending on ability
Reports directly to
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