

There are no qualifications required to be a Wrangler but you do need to have proved yourself capable as a Junior Wrangler and be cofindent and competent enough to work unsupervised and solve problems by yourself.


The move from Junior Wrangler to Wrangler is usually highlighted by an Old Wrangler, or by one of the older Wranglers in the settlement. There is no official ceremony, but the day might be marked with other Wranglers with a meal eaten together or another small celebration.    Sometimes a Junior Wrangler may wish to ascend to the position of Wrangler and will ask for the responsibility. This may be considered depending on the competence of the Junior Wrangler and the confidence their peers have in them.


Wranglers are responsible for, in priority order:
  1. The tending to and looking after live stock
  2. The remove of animals from places they shouldn't be 
  3. Attending to emergencies and assisting
  4. Troubleshooting
  5. Teaching Junior Wranglers


Wranglers are responsible for animals in and around the settlement, whether they are to be taken care of as they have a use, or removed as pests.    Wranglers are also considered troubleshooters and may be asked to consult on issues.    They are also the first port of call in the case of an emergency, and good Wranglers are known for jumping in without being asked.
Form of Address
Length of Term
Up to the rest of their life
Reports directly to
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