Old Wrangler


The only thing which qualifies someone to become an Old Wrangler is to have spent their life working in the Wrangler path. An Old Wranger is a Wrangler who has become and expert in some way and whose opinion and wisdom is greatly sought after. There are only one or two Old Wranglers in each settlement.


An Old Wrangler is appointed either after the previous Old Wrangler dies, or they fall into that role naturally, filling the gap which became available. It is not a position which has a ceremony or official appointment, rather it's one which becomes true with time or doesn't, and relates more to the respect and trust of peers as anything else.


The duties of an Old Wrangler are as follows, in priority order:
  1. Manage any and all emergencies, lending a hand where necessary
  2. Oversee the management of livestock
  3. Teach Junior Wrangler and Wrangler 
  4. Ensure the ways of the Wranglers are passed on


They are responsible for all Wranglers in the settlement. They make sure that the required tasks are being completed to the level which is needed and that all the Wranglers are well trained and confident.
Form of Address
Old Wrangler
Alternative Naming
Old One
Length of Term
Reports directly to
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