Battle of Frozen Tears

The Conflict


This battle took place during the rebellion against the Numerian Empire when it was part of The Republic during year 317, which had long held The North as a subjugated region. It was a pivotal moment in the fight for independence, showcasing both the tactical brilliance and the mythic qualities of the Ragnvald brothers.


Eirik Ragnvald led a small force of rebels against a much larger Numerian army. Vastly outnumbered, Eirik employed a cunning strategy. He lured the Numerian forces onto a frozen lake, using the treacherous terrain to his advantage.
As the battle raged, Eirik wielded his legendary axe, Rimefang. At a crucial moment, he struck the ice with Rimefang, causing it to crack and break beneath the feet of the Numerian soldiers. This action turned the tide of the battle, plunging many enemy soldiers into the freezing waters. 
Meanwhile, Ref Ragnvald led a daring river assault, using the waterways connecting to the lake. His attack caught the Numerian forces off guard, creating chaos in their ranks and preventing any organized retreat.


The battle ended in a decisive victory for the rebels. The Numerian army, despite its superior numbers, was routed. Many were lost to the icy waters, while others fell to the blades of Eirik and Ref's forces.


  1. Strategic Impact. This victory severely weakened the Numerian hold on The North, paving the way for future rebel successes.
  2. Symbolic Importance:.The battle demonstrated that the people of The North could stand against the might of the Numerian Empire, inspiring more to join the rebellion.
  3. Mythic Quality:.Eirik's act of breaking the ice with Rimefang became legendary, enhancing his reputation as a leader touched by the old gods.
  4. Brotherhood. The combined efforts of Eirik and Ref Ragnvald cemented their reputation as a formidable duo, crucial to the rebellion's success.

Historical Significance


The Battle of Frozen Tears is celebrated in The North as a turning point in their fight for independence. It's often recounted by skalds and used as an example of how cunning and bravery can overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. The site of the battle likely became a place of pilgrimage or remembrance in the years following The North's independence.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date


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