Siege of Hailgard

Hailgard, as the largest and most strategically important city in The North, was heavily fortified and garrisoned by Numerian forces. Controlling this city was crucial for both sides of the conflict. The whole siege took 3 months.  
  • Initial Assault. The rebels' first attempt to take the city by storm was repelled with heavy losses.
  • Encirclement. Rebel forces surrounded the city, cutting off supply lines.
  • The Famine Gambit. Numerian commanders expelled "non-essential" civilians to conserve resources, which backfired as it turned more locals against them.
  • Underground Resistance. A network of rebel sympathizers within the city provided crucial intelligence and sabotaged Numerian efforts.
  • The Frost Mage Gambit. Rebel runemasters used powerful ice magic to freeze sections of the city walls, making them brittle.
  • The Final Assault. A coordinated attack involving a breach of the weakened walls, rebel infiltrators opening gates from within, and giant allies providing crucial heavy support.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date


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