The Battle of Sumuholt

In the pivotal year of 317, during the rebellion against The Republic, a major battle took place in Sumuholt that would change the course of the war and cement the forest's legendary status.
  1. The Republican Army, numbering around 20,000 troops, entered Sumuholt intending to crush the rebel forces and secure a route to the heart of Järvimaa.
  2. The rebel forces, led by Thane Bjorn Erpsson  (before he became Thane) and numbering only 5,000, were vastly outnumbered. However, they had a secret weapon: intimate knowledge of the forest and its mystical mists.
  3. As the Republican forces advanced, Järvimaan druids and shamans performed an ancient ritual, calling upon the forest spirits to thicken the mist to unprecedented levels.
  4. The rebels strategically placed hundreds of "mist horns" throughout the forest - specially crafted instruments that, when blown, could shape the mist into phantasmal shapes of warriors and beasts.
  5. When the Republican army was deep in the forest, the trap was sprung. The mist became so thick that visibility was reduced to mere feet. The sound of thousands of warriors and monstrous roars echoed through the trees, courtesy of the mist horns.
  6. The rebel forces, able to navigate by sound and feel alone, attacked from all sides. The Republican troops, disoriented and terrified, often ended up attacking each other in the confusion.
  7. The battle lasted for two days and nights. By the time the mist cleared, over 15,000 Republican soldiers lay dead or dying, with minimal losses to the rebel forces.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date


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