Hersir Tola Ragnvald

Hersir Tola Ragnvald (a.k.a. Shield-Maiden of Hvammr)

Hersir Tola Ragnvald, known as the "Shield-Maiden of Hvammr," governs the city of Hvammr in the Thanedom of Styrkfjord. As the younger sister of Jarl Eirik Ragnvald, Tola's leadership combines familial loyalty with a fierce independence, making Hvammr a unique power center within The North. When her brother Jarl Eirik Ragnvald started the Rebellion to make The North independent once again, she followed him. She earned respect as a warrior and strategist, particularly in defending against threats from the Cursed Mountains. Her appointment as Hersir of Hvammr came from her brother after she held the line against republican soldiers for weeks before reinforcements arrived, securing crutial victory.  

Notable Achievements

  • Established the "Valkyrie's Guard," an elite all-female unit that serves as both city guard and rapid response force
  • Implemented an innovative training program that ensures all citizens have basic combat and survival skills
  • Negotiated a series of treaties with nearby Goliath tribes, turning potential enemies into valuable allies
Year of Birth
299 21 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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