Thanedom of Styrkfjord


Styrkfjord is a northern region of The North. It has access to both coastal areas and mountainous terrain. The region is traversed by major trade routes including Numeria's Way  and the Northern Trade Route .


  • Annual river raft racing competition on the Myrskyuoma, showcasing both speed and navigation skills.
  • River Blessing. River Blessing is a ceremony at the start of spring, where Styrkians release small, carved wooden boats filled with offerings into the Sumujoki.
  • Mountain Pilgrimage. Every five years, Styrkians undertake a pilgrimage to a sacred peak in the nearby mountains, believed to be where the gods whisper wisdom to those worthy.
  • Stone Carving. Styrkfjord is renowned for its skilled stone carvers who create intricate protective symbols and historical records on rock faces throughout the region.


  • River Pearl Fishing. The rivers of Styrkfjord, particularly the Myrskyuoma, are known for their freshwater pearl mussels, providing a rare and valuable resource.
  • Mineral Hot Springs. Unique hot springs rich in minerals are found near the foothills of the mountains, believed to have healing properties and attracting visitors from other regions.
  • Frost-Resistant Crops. Styrkfjord farmers have developed special strains of hardy crops that can withstand the harsh northern climate, making the region more self-sufficient in food production.
  • White Granite Quarries. The region is home to quarries of high-quality white granite, prized for both construction and sculpture throughout The North.
  • Myrskyuoma Falls. A majestic waterfall on the Myrskyuoma river not only serves as a landmark but also provides hydropower for nearby settlements.

Strength in Unity, Wisdom in Tradition

Approximately 20,500 square miles
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Duchy
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
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