Kingdom of Myredonia



  • Supreme ruler and head of state.
  • Oversees the governance and protection of the kingdom.
  • Makes key decisions regarding diplomacy, defense, and resource management.
  • Represents the kingdom in external affairs and treaties.

Council of Elders

  • Composition: Representatives from major noble houses, influential farmers and community leaders.
  • Advise the monarch on governance, economic policies, and agricultural strategies.
  • Serve as a legislative body to create and implement laws.
  • Ensure the well-being and prosperity of the kingdom.

Noble Houses

  • Govern specific regions and oversee local administration.
  • Ensure the efficient management of agricultural lands and resources.
  • Maintain local militias for defense and enforce laws.
  • Collect taxes and tributes to support the kingdom’s economy.

Agricultural Guilds

  • Organize and oversee farming activities and agricultural production.
  • Implement innovative farming techniques and manage crop distribution.
  • Provide training and support to farmers and laborers.
  • Ensure fair trade practices and market stability.


Core Beliefs

  • Abundance and Prosperity: The Myredonians believe that their land's fertility is a divine gift that must be respected and nurtured to ensure continued prosperity.
  • Gratitude and Generosity: Encouraging a spirit of thankfulness for the land's gifts and generosity towards those in need, ensuring that abundance is shared.
  • Respect for Hard Work: Valuing diligence and effort, recognizing that the land's bounty comes from both nature's favor and the people's labor.

Customs & Traditions

  • Harvest Festivals: Celebrating the end of the harvest season with feasts, music, and communal gatherings, expressing gratitude for the bountiful yields.
  • Planting Ceremonies: Rituals performed at the beginning of the planting season to bless the seeds and ensure a prosperous harvest.

Social Norms

  • Collaboration: Farmers often work together during planting and harvesting seasons, reinforcing the importance of cooperation.
  • Hospitality: Offering food and shelter to travelers and guests is a deeply ingrained custom, reflecting the community's generosity.
  • Simplicity and Practicality: Preference for practical, sturdy clothing and tools that are suitable for agricultural work and everyday life.

Festivals and Celebrations

  • Harvest Festival: A major celebration at the end of the harvest season, marked by feasting, music, dancing, and communal gatherings.
  • Feast of Plenty: An annual event where the surplus harvest is distributed to the poor and needy, reinforcing the values of generosity and community support.
  • Spring Awakening: A festival celebrating the beginning of the planting season, involving rituals to bless the seeds and the soil.

Symbols & Totems

  • Sheaves of Wheat. Representing abundance and prosperity, often used in decorations during festivals and ceremonies.
  • Cornucopia. Symbolizing the endless supply of food and the land's fertility, commonly depicted in art and on banners.
  • Sun and Rain: Emblems representing the vital elements needed for successful crops, often invoked in planting rituals and ceremonies.


Natural Resources

  • Fertile Soil. The vast fields of Myredonia boast some of the most fertile soil on the continent, ideal for growing a wide variety of crops.
  • Water Resources: Numerous rivers and lakes provide ample water for irrigation, supporting the kingdom's extensive agriculture.
  • Herbs and Medicinal Plants: The rich soil also supports the growth of numerous herbs and medicinal plants, which are used for both local consumption and trade.
  • Clay and Stone: Rich deposits of clay and stone, used in construction and pottery.


  • Farmsteads: Numerous farmsteads dotting the countryside, each contributing to the overall agricultural output of the kingdom.
  • Granaries: Large, well-maintained granaries for storing the kingdom's bountiful harvests, ensuring food security throughout the year.


317 - Fall of the Republic

When in 317 the Republic fall apart and Numeria was one of the leading nations, rebels agreed that its time to follow what is happening and split Numeria back into separate nations with good relationships but different cultures.

Demography and Population

The Kingdom of Myredonia is a vast, fertile land primarily focused on agriculture. Its population is spread across various regions, with a mix of urban centers, market towns, and rural farming communities. The overall population density is moderate to high due to the abundance of arable land and prosperous agricultural activities.   Total Population: Circa 7.8 milion
Population Distribution
  • Greenvale ( Capital ): 800.000
  • Rivermoot: 500.000
  • Harveston: 400.000
  • Fallowfield: 300.000
  • Eldergrove: 200.000
  • Rural and farming communities: 5.6 milion



Domains: Life, Nature 
Symbol: Sheaf of grain or blooming rose over grain 
As the goddess of agriculture, Chauntea is the most revered deity in Myredonia. She is worshipped by farmers, gardeners, and all those who depend on the land for sustenance. Her temples and shrines are common in rural areas and are often the center of community life.  

Other deities

  • Lathander
  • Silvanus

Abundance for All

212.355 square miles
7.8 million
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Breadbasket of the Continent
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy


Greenvale is the heart of Myredonia, serving as the political, economic, and cultural center. Known for its grand granaries, bustling marketplaces, and the royal palace of King Cedric Althar, Greenvale is where key decisions about the kingdom's governance and trade are made.

The Feastful Fields

The vast, fertile plains known as the Feastful Fields are the primary agricultural region of Myredonia. Renowned for their bountiful harvests, these fields produce a wide variety of crops that feed the entire kingdom and supply exports to neighboring regions.  


A thriving market town situated at the confluence of two major rivers, Rivermoot is a hub for trade and commerce. Farmers from across Myredonia bring their produce here to trade, and it serves as a key distribution point for goods traveling to and from the capital.  

Harvest Hall

Located in Greenvale, Harvest Hall is a grand meeting place where the Council of Elders convenes to discuss matters of state, agriculture, and trade. The hall is also used for major festivals and ceremonies, particularly those celebrating the harvest.  


A sacred forest on the outskirts of Greenvale, Eldergrove is revered for its ancient trees and mystical atmosphere. It is a place of worship and meditation, where the High Priests and Priestesses conduct rituals to honor the gods of harvest and prosperity.

Harvest Crown

The official currency of The Myredonia is the Harvest Crown, a gold coin that is widely used for both day-to-day transactions and larger trade deals. 

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