The Republic of Embernam

Embernam was founded alongside with other found nation in - 1600 HE after defeat of the Empire. Gnome Embernam showed no interest in ruling and created semi-democratic Republic of Embernam, with complicated mechanisms to protect rise of incompetent people to power.
He created system called “Potestas Electas”, meaning ,,Power of choice”.

When Ebernam decided to not rule his own nation, many other parts of nation decided to join, they wanted freedom, chance to be their own king. This made Embernam large and larger every year. Dozens of districts from other nations joined and other nations weren’t able to prevent it as their nation was in ruin and day to day fighting with rebel groups of Yuan-Ti was not rare.

This made Embernam consist of almost 40 smaller nations. However, the stronger nations started to devour the smaller. Not even thousand year laters and 33 nations were devoured or was forced to join other nation to prevent its destruction.

Embernam was also known for having a lot of supernatural hazards going on. Fire rain, decaying of villages, earthquakes that were able to break mountains, tsunami, floodings etc. However, all of these ended around year 308.

Embernam was always heavily inclined to technology. They managed to invent traveling on robotic vehicles, they even created airships to travel across Embernam or flying ships. Every smaller city also has teleportation circle and every richer person has some item to teleport anywhere they want, as Embernam believes that traveling is what makes society slow.
In Year 315 there is only 8 elects, when 8th was joined recently by conquest of Numeria. Every Elect has its own story as Embernam as an Republic rarely interferes with day to day life of its elects.  





Potestas Electas

Republic of Embernam is created from Elects. Elect is some part of the Republic, borders are not set, and change by power-shifting between every Elect. Elect has a leader thats called Electus. However, those Elects are not only leaders of the republic, this organ is called Triara.

Triara works almost like parliament. Triara is created from: 1 Electus for every Elect, 1 Opponent for every Electus and one Dive.
Every Elect has its own laws and other Elect can't interfere. However, they share few laws:
  • Elects can't be in war with other nations without approval from the Tiara.
  • Elects can't negotiate with other nations as themself, only as delegation of Embernam.
  • All Electuses must always be part of Tiara's meetings.
Electus is something like a king of Elect. Every Elect has different power ladder, so somewhere it might be king, elsewhere it highest mage or premier.  
Opponent is role for the most richest person in Elect. He has voting right as well as Electus and it's main job is to try and find possible exploits in new propositions.  
Dive is only one and it is the richest person in Embernam. He is called to attend Tiara only if voting ended in draw, then he has right to decide which side to choose.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Neighboring Nations

Articles under The Republic of Embernam


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