

The Myrskyuoma, or "Storm Hollow," is a powerful river that runs through the southern part of Styrkfjord, carving its way through Revontulimetsä.

Unique Characteristics

Known for its rapid currents and dramatic waterfalls, the Myrskyuoma is both a vital resource and a formidable challenge. The river's name comes from the mist that often rises from its turbulent waters, creating storm-like conditions.

Economic Importance

The Myrskyuoma is famous for its freshwater pearl mussels, supporting a thriving pearl fishing industry. Additionally, the river's powerful flow is harnessed for hydropower, particularly at the majestic Myrskyuoma Falls.

Cultural Significance

The annual river raft racing competition takes place on the Myrskyuoma, testing the skill and bravery of Styrkian warriors. The river is also seen as a symbol of Styrkfjord's strength and resilience.
Alternative Name(s)
Storm Hollow
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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