Spellward of Mirrage Stepes

The Spellward of Mirage Steppes is a vast expanse of rolling plains and subtle hills, where the air shimmers with divinatory magic. Bordering Myredonia, this region is renowned as Numeria's center for prophecy and foresight.  
  1. The Oracle's Spire. A slender tower of shimmering crystal in the capital, serving as the central hub for divination magic.
  2. Shimmer Fields. Expansive areas where the air itself seems to ripple with visions.
  3. Whisper Stones. Ancient monoliths scattered across the steppes, known to amplify psychic energies.
  4. Fate's Thread River. A narrow, meandering river said to flow in patterns that predict future events.


  • High value placed on foresight and prophetic abilities in both governance and daily life.
  • Tradition of vision quests undertaken at significant life milestones.
  • Complex system of interpreting natural phenomena as omens.
  • Annual "Unveiling of the Mists" festival, celebrating the region's divinatory heritage.

Trade & Transport

  • Export of specialized divination tools and materials.
  • Consultation services for individuals and organizations seeking guidance.
  • Carefully managed tourism around prophetic experiences.
  • Agriculture and herding guided by divinatory insights.

Visions Guide Our Path

7,500 square miles 
Geopolitical, Duchy
Alternative Names
The Seer's Realm
Parent Organization

Articles under Spellward of Mirrage Stepes


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