

The Sumujoki, or "Mist River," flows through the northern part of Styrkfjord, winding its way past Valkolehto.

Unique Characteristics

In contrast to the turbulent Myrskyuoma, the Sumujoki is known for its serene flow and the ever-present mist that hovers over its surface, giving the river an air of mystery.

Wildlife and Flora

The calm waters of the Sumujoki support a rich aquatic ecosystem. The river banks are home to numerous species of water-loving plants, and its waters teem with fish, making it a crucial resource for local communities.

Cultural Significance

The Sumujoki plays a central role in the River Blessing ceremony, where Styrkians release carved wooden boats with offerings into its misty waters. The river is also associated with introspection and wisdom in Styrkian culture, with many seeking its banks for quiet contemplation.
Alternative Name(s)
Mist River
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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