Mason Foundry

Located just below the Tinkerite chapel in the Mason Estate, the Mason Foundry is the R&D center and factory where House Mason's inventions and products are produced. The foundry consists of three levels, although the mid-level Main Factory is split over two floors.


Top Floor: Research and Development Centre

This floor is dedicated to the research and development of new inventions. It includes various labs, prototype rooms, and testing areas.


'His Excellence's Private Quarters': Private quarters for Vizier Jaq Mason.
Alchemy Lab: For conducting alchemical experiments.
Landing Pad (Outside): For aerial arrivals and departures.
Large Prototype Room 1 & 2: Spaces for developing and testing large-scale prototypes.
Small Prototype Room 1 & 2: Spaces for smaller-scale prototype development and testing.
Testing Range: Area designated for testing weaponry and other inventions.
Weapons Hangar: Storage for developed weapons and related equipment.  

Middle Floor: Main Factory

This floor is the heart of production, where the main manufacturing processes take place.

Level 1

Crystal Growing Room: Area dedicated to the cultivation of crystals that will be used to trap and store Genies and other Elementals.
Loading Bay: For the transportation of materials and finished products.
Sandstone Block Construction Point (Outside): Outdoor area for constructing sandstone blocks used in the construction of the City Wall.
Superintendent's Office: Office of the factory superintendent, Coggleford.
Staff Viewing Gantry: Elevated walkway for staff to observe factory operations.
Terracotta Statue Warehouse: Storage for Terracotta Statues produced in the foundry.

Level 2

Golem Animation Chamber: Where golems are brought to life through animation processes.
Golem Warehouse: Storage area for completed golems.
Sand Reservoir: Storage for sand used in various manufacturing processes.
Visitors' Viewing Gantry: Elevated walkway for visitors to observe the factory operations.
Watchspring Winding Room: Room dedicated to the winding of watchsprings used in clockwork mechanisms.  

Bottom Floor: Factory Floor

The lowest level handles waste management and disposal processes. It is also where the Furnace is located.


Crystal Trash Disposal Area: Designated area for disposing of unwanted crystal by-products.
Waste Disposal Room: General waste disposal for the factory.


Elevators from the Chapel in the main Mason Estate lead down into the foundry from above. They go to the corridor of the Research and Development Centre, but no further down.  

Right Wall

Landing Pad: Accessible only by flying or very skilled climbing (though climbers would be seen). There are doors leading into the Research and Development Centre and massive hangar doors to the Weapons Hangar. The pad is staffed by one little Clockwork Overseer (Threadcount) and two Clockwork Golems, who do the heavy lifting. All three constructs are mindless and cannot be feinted.
Weapons Hangar Vents: The vents on two walls of the Weapons Hangar are guarded by a pair of Clockwork Golems and a Stone Guardian statue, which can See Invisibility. These vents lead to the collection point for Terracotta Statue golems, whose mindlessness is unknown.
Back Wall Extrator Fan Vents: These are unguarded but in line of sight of the Stone Guardian statues (which can See Invisibility).
Loading Bay: Metal raw material drop-off point, guarded by two Gear Golems. Cassim Ashhide, who supplies rare metals to the Foundry, has never been inside.  

Back Wall

Unattended Vents: The back wall has unguarded vents leading into the Alchemy Lab (two extractor vents) and three vents going vertically downwards into the Loading Bay.
Sand Intake Vents: Hidden and tucked between the top of the foundry and the wall, these vents intake sand which is used for mold making and sand golems (which cannot be sneak attacked). These are the least visible entrances as the golems on the wall face the desert.
Sandstone Block Conveyor: A series of hatch conveyors spit out sandstone blocks, which are squeezed through a tube and cut into squares. These blocks are collected by sandstone worker drones, who fit the stones into the wall.
Elevator Shafts: Used for transporting golems created in the foundry to the wall. These elevators work both ways.  

Left Wall

Narrow Vents: Medium-sized creatures without exceptional Escape Artist skills cannot use these vents.
Bespoke Golem Collection Road: This smaller road is used to collect bespoke golems (e.g., for the universities) and is guarded by three Stone Guardians.
Door to Watchspring Winding Room: Watchsprings are wound up and released through a door guarded by three Stone Guardians.  

Front Wall

Magma Moat Walkway: This walkway has airlock-style hatches and requires fire resistance to traverse. Large Brass Golems, from the City of Brass on the Plane of Fire, patrol the edge of the magma moat.
Visitor’s Entrance: There are two entrances to the same platform, each guarded by two Clockwork Golems. The walkways are overlooked by the Superintendent's Office, which has small windows that would require a very skilled escape artist to navigate through.

Circuit Breaker Locations

Foundry Alchemy Lab
Foundry Large Prototype Room 1
Foundry Large Prototype Room 2
Foundry Small Prototype Room 1
Foundry Small Prototype Room 2
Foundry Testing Range
Foundry Clay Reservoir Chamber: Level 1
Foundry Crystal Growing Room
Foundry Viewing Gantry
Foundry Clay Reservoir Chamber: Level 2
Foundry Golem Animation Chamber
Foundry Sand Reservoir: Maintenance Shaft
Foundry Crystal Trash Disposal Area
Foundry Waste Disposal Room: Maintenance Shaft

Technology on the Circuit

  1. Doors
  2. Vent fans
  3. Crystal etching lasers
  4. Slicinators
  5. Crushinators
  6. Waterjet pump
  7. Energy generators in testing room
  8. Conveyer belts
  9. Brass golems patrolling bottom most floor
  10. Roaming sentinel cameras
  11. Golem Animation Chamber arcano tech
  12. Trash compactors
  13. Big Trash Disposal Golem
  14. Animated Bulldozer
  15. Octopus Assembly Drones
  16. Walking crucibles
  17. Electrified platforms
  18. Rock summoning circles from Plane of Earth
  19. Plasma cutter assembly constructs
  20. Sawblade assembly constructs