Scarlett's Bedchamber

The bedroom of Katiba Scarlett Dargent is a masterclass in disguise. It is designed to look like a normal little girl's bedroom, but masks the scheming mind of the most cunning and dangerous noble at court.

Contents & Furnishings

Dolls House: Scarlett's dolls house is in the shape the Dargent Estate, making it more like a three dimensional battlemap than a toy. Probably to Scarlett, it's both.
Silver Orrery: Scarlett has a fancy silver orrery that also doubles as her calendar.
Corkboard: Scarlett has a corkboard with her drawings pinned to it. It has pictures of people at court, the Dargents around the dinner table, pictures of her pet bunbun, drawings of her own Silver Apple, a couple drawings of the Amira's Left Hand, and a couple drawings of Voltaire. Most notably she has a few drawings of the night sky, which are almost deliberately inaccurate. These drawings look like somebody worked out a star chart and then disguised it as a child's drawing.
Room, Common, Bedroom
Parent Location