Hugo's Bedchamber

Contents & Furnishings

See the Team Inventory for a full list of the group's items.
Entertainer's Outfit: Hugo's outfit.
Courtier Jewellery: Connie's set.
Courtier's Outfit: Connie's outfit.
Hollow Book
Known Heresies Catalogued for Record: Library book - on loan to Lord Captain Emissary.
Signs and Sigils: Gifted by Cassiopeia Stargazer-Greenskin.
Papers and Documents
Fake ID (in name of "Douglas"): Hidden.
Gem Recording (Qumin's Lecture)
Transcribed Conversation (Leesha & Cunningham)
Cosmogram: Belongs to Connie.
Orrery (Tellurium): Belongs to Connie.
Orrery (Calculating Tellurium): Gifted by Castor Stargazer.
Star Charts: Instructions from Whitecape.
Other Equipment
Apothecary Sign (broken): Kept in blanket warren.
Cypher Rings: Kept in Hollow book (above).
False-bottomed Chest
Giant Elevator Gem: Kept in False-bottomed Chest. Memorabilia Handkerchief (Sumac Baharat)
Room, Common, Bedroom
Parent Location
Connected Rooms