Guinevera's Bedchamber

The bedchamber of Viziera Guinevera Dargent is a testament to luxury and opulence, characterized by its silver furnishings and decorations. The centerpiece of the room is her huge four-poster bed, which is protected by a magical canopy featuring runic writing. These runes summon snake genies to defend against any intruders, adding an extra layer of security to the room. There is also an ornate figurine of a silver foxlike genie on her bedside cabinet, which will summon a large vulpine genie to fight intruders with its massive bite and icy breath.   At the foot of the bed, a dog basket containing a silver velvet cushion is where Guinevera's silver fox familiar, Votaire, sleeps.   Previously, a vent in the wall of the room was a useful place for Lindie Asklepa to spy on Guinevera. However, after Lindie's failed attack on Mapday, Tailormoon, 1313, it is likely that the vent has been reinforced with additional security measures.
Room, Common, Bedroom
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