Dryads Mill Settlement in Pandora | World Anvil

Dryads Mill

Dryads Mill is a settlement in The Havens. It was formerly known as Erlkonig Haberdashery and Maggie's Haberdashery before that.


A local inn founded by Maggie known as Maggie's Haberdashery, the settlement had good relations with the fey of the Magic Valley, eventually turning into a settlement in its own right known as the Elkonig (Erlking) Haberdashery, and accepting the protection of the city-state of Warhaven in 1374.

Later that year, however, it was conquered by Cloev Eroloth with the help of The Sovereignty and inducted into the newly-formed Warhaven Kingdom. It was renamed Dryads Mill after the action of The Sovereignty's Warmaster, Grud, killed a local dryad named Magnolia and pushed down her tree on top of her, her body then raised as an undead under the Sovereign Nihilus' command.
Alternative Name(s)
Erlkonig Haberdashery, Maggie's Haberdashery
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization