Hollow's Last Hope, Part 2

General Summary

After some encouragement from the paladin, Therg, the party decided to let the poacher, Grung Knifetongue, go, although they kept his gear. His warning about wolves in the Vale turned out to be prophecy, as that night they were attacked, and then later on fell into a trap. The woods are dangerous, indeed.   Later they discovered the Elderroot was indeed a darkwood tree, guarded by a vicious dragonkin that didn't bother to offer its name before randomly attacking one of them: the paladin. After some hesitation, the rest of the party decided to help him and cut off the head of the beast. After looting its previous victims which were hung by their entrails from the lower branches, the party rested for the night under the Elder's shade.   The next morning, they headed off for their second destination, the home of Ulizmila the Witch, but this leg of the journey was not without its share of pests. Their decision to let the still-healing paladin stay in the back in case of any more traps ended up being unfortunate: A wandering giant mosquito got a quick taste before being killed.

At long last, the party found the glade, a small mud-hut surrounded by tiny dolls and scarecrows, the sound of the forest itself seeming to retreat away from the space...

Rewards Granted

9 gp, 12 sp
[?] elderwood moss
[35 gp each] 2x light crossbow
[10 gp each] 2x shortsword
[15 gp] hide armor
[330 gp] masterwork shortbow
[5 gp] signet ring with the image of a flaming hawk
[5 sp each] 8x trail rations   Experience
Azim [4], Milo [2], Braskan [1], and Therg [1]: 638 XP each = 225 (crushed wolves) + 225 (felled pit trap) +150 (chopped tatzylwyrm) + 38 (splatted mosquito)
Report Date
29 Mar 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Dungeon Master

Nihilus [15]: 6,750xp/12,500gp/5dt