Hollow's Last Hope, Part 4

General Summary

The party continued exploring the ruined monastery, with Azim narrowly escaping a trap set by the sneaky kobold Gurtlekep, whom they immediately captured as a slave. Clearing the monastery of bats, spiders, and undead, the final decision, Braskan eventually found the final necessary mushroom, giving credit to Milo for the find. Now burdened with two slaves prisoners, paladin Therg confronted Milo and demanded they be set free or executed, as traveling with them would slow them down, risking innocent lives from receiving the cure for the Blackscour Taint in time. Milo refused to give in until Therg convinced him to let him duel the worg Graypelt. Unsurprisingly, after agreeing, Graypelt immediately escaped into the forest... Milo demanded restitution for the "stolen" property: the paladin's left hand, but the decision was eventually made to participate in a duel after they were safely back in Fjordhaven.   With the ingredients for Laurel's cure collected, the party quickly set off into the Vale on the long journey to Falcon's Hollow. Along the way, they revisited Ulizmila's Hut and Azim found himself surrounded by accusatory fetishes and dolls, the injured "corpse" of their brother at his feet. The party decided to quickly leave and travel through the night after that.   They next found their way to where they left their mounts, but found them torn apart by some sort of wild animal they were unable to identify. Azim assumed it was the Worg, and swore revenge for his camel.   Thanks to the "persuaded" help of Pay Day, the party jumped aboard a wagon headed for Falcon's Hollow, but they were too late: the disease had run its course, and over 40 townsfolk had died, including the questionably-heroic Laurel. They found themselves shunned by nearly everyone, and the only person willing to speak to them was Lady Cirthana, the priestess of Torm. She told them that the hobgoblin Grung Knifetongue they had set free had apparently mended his ways, and had helped Laurel with the sick and dying before he too succumbed to the disease. Therg gave Lady Cirthana what parts of the curative he had in case the Blackscour returned, but was unable to convince the rest of the party to do the same--their mistreatment by the town had embittered them, espcially Braskan.   While Therg sought solace in the church, the remaining trio approached Magistrate Vamros Harg, a halfling who, despite his size, was not intimidated by their demands for payment and threw them out of his "Hollow Tribunal" with the not-too-idle threat of his own spellcasting abilities. Again, Azim swore revenge.   Dejected, the party decided to return to Fjordhaven the next day, though they did spend a bit of their coin at Jak'a'Napes, treating themselves to some of Jak Crimmy's famous flapjacks to lift their spirits. Perhaps in time the people of Falcon's Hollow would come to forgive them for crushing Hollow's Last Hope.

Rewards Granted

62 gp
[310 gp] masterwork shortsword
[21 gp] silver light hammer (religious symbol of Ladaguer carved into it; worth 200 gp to a collector)
[55gp] masterwork artisan's tools (craft: stonemasonry
[100 gp] Moradin Hymnal (worth 300 gp to a collector or cleric)
[160 gp each] 4x +1 flaming bolts (all used)
[150 gp] scroll of spiritual weapon
[300 gp] ruby gemstone (purposefully left behind in the altar to Moradin; included for completeness)

All four members of the party receive the Hollow's Last Hope valor title.

Azim [4]: 1,025 XP = 75 (Gurtlekep's trap) + 150 (stabby kobold) + 150 (scary bat swarm) + 75 (scary spider) + 75 (spoopy scary skeletons) + 200 (Graypelt Round 2: The Escapening) + 150 (scary snake tries to kill the wizard... again) + 150 ("convinced" Pay Day to help) + 0 (threatened preteens)
Milo [2], Therg [2], and Braskan [1]: 1,050 XP each = 75 + 150 + 150 + 75 + 75 + 225 + 150 + 150 + 0
Report Date
19 Apr 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Dungeon Master

Nihilus [15]: 6,750xp/12,500gp/5dt