Hollow's Last Hope, Part 3

General Summary

After Azim knocked over one of the silent fetishes "guarding" Ulizmila's Hut, the party determined it was safe enough to send in Therg. However, Braskan disturbed the contents of a cupboard, so the giant iron cauldron sprung to life and tried to swallow him! They cracked the cauldron and were now free to loot now-completely-abandoned mud-hut of the second ingredient: rat's tail root.   Fighting past more wolves, they eventually found themselves Ladaguer's Crucible, the abandoned dwarf monastery. The party looted a well and explored a bit before eventually encountering the dreaded worg, Graypelt, who guarded 6 of the 7 ironbloom mushrooms needed for the curative potion promised by Laurel. Braskan tamed the beast with a spell and Milo tied him up, intending to teach the beast some obedience, while the rest explored the chapel and found themselves attacked by darkmantles. Braskan managed to ricochet his dagger off the flail of his ally Milo to defeat the last one, and the party began exploring the rest of the monastery for that final, sneaky mushroom...

Rewards Granted

396 gp
[30 gp] statuettes and rare stones
  Magic Items
[2,400 gp] Soulspeaker
[50 gp] potion of cure light wounds
[300 gp] potion of bull's strength
[210 gp] wand of light (cl 1st, 28 charges)

Weapons & Gear
[335 gp] masterwork light crossbow
[30 gp] thieves tools
[10 gp] 50' silk rope
[5 sp each] 7x trail rations
[?] rat's tail root
[?] 6/7 ironbloom mushrooms
[?] familiar summoning salts (reduces familiar summoning rite cost by 50%)
Azim [4], Milo [2], Braskan [1], and Therg [1]: 825 XP each = 150 (spiteful cauldron) + 225 (interrupting wolves) + 75 (Graypelt's mates) + 225 (bound Graypelt) + 150 (deathblankets)
Report Date
12 Apr 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Nihilus [15]: 6,750xp/12,500gp/5dt