Pirate Factions Organization in Pandora | World Anvil

Pirate Factions

The Sea Is Our Home

Many whose lands were conqured by the Immortal Sun Empire fled to the seas to escape the empire’s final advance on their homelands. These foreign refugees have followed the empire to the shores of Pandora fueled by vengenece and treasure to plunder.

A Mixed Bunch

Pirates are made up of countless Human Orc Gerblin Merfolk and even Vampire who have either lost their homes or been outcasted by society in one way or another.

Lady Luck and the Cosmic Balance

Many Pirates speak of Lady Luck and how if life has been good to you then that means you are overdue for some bad luck and the longer it takes the worst it will be. Many pirates throw offerings of coin and treasures into the sea for favorable winds and other forms of "good luck" today knowing the Lady will balance things at a later date. Cheer up me hearty, if you have been down on your luck that means only good things lay ahead of you as the lady taketh she eventually giveth back.

The Brazen Coalition

A group of freedom fighters who only live to see the down fall of the empire and to reclaim their homelands. They believe only a united front will ever have a chance of bringing down the Goliath that is the Immortal Sun Empire and are constantly looking for new recruits and allies from other factions. They are a constant thorn in the empire's side as they raid and plunder trade ships at sea and offer their goods to the vikings of Pandora in hopes to win them over as allies.

The Brotherhood

  Pleasure seekers obsessed with gold, gambling, drinking, and the freedom of the open sea. Unlike the Brazen Coalition, they have for the most part accepted that their homes are gone and seek to carve new paths in life and not look back. The Brotherhood loot and pillage indiscriminately and will often fight for the highest bidder and live by a pirate code.

  • Rule one, befriend others wisely.
  • The Right of Parlay.
  • Whenever a pirate is to be marooned, they are to be given a serving of food and a pistol loaded with a single shot.
  • The Captain gets 33% of the treasure and the remainder is divided amongst the crew equally.
  • Whoever first spotted a treasure-laden ship gets first pick in the crew's share.
  • Any man who falls behind is left behind.
  • When another saves your life, you must repay the favor and restore cosmic balance.
  • Lady Luck giveth and Lady Luck taketh away.
  • Nothing is more dangerous than someone who has nothing left to lose.
    Some Pirates follow the code to the tee while others see them more as "Guidelines" but the one thing all the Brotherhood agree on is life is short and we all just need to enjoy the ride.

The Queen of Hearts

An organized crew of ambitious pirates who claim to own the vary sea itself led by the famous Queen of Hearts. All must pay a toll for sailing in the Queen's oceans wether by choice or at gun point. The Queen is rumored to control a mighty sea monster who drags those who appose her down to the bottom of the ocean and into Davy Jones Locker. Those who serve the queen are tasked with finding resources to tighten her grasp on the sea such as rare artifacts found on Pandora, the latest tech of the Immortal Sun Empire, or simply more coin for her coffers.

Pirate Faction Ranks


How They View Other Factions

The Swamp Clan

These people know how to party and live life to the fullest. No better place for a pirate to spend their hard earned coin than a Swamp Clan pleasure district. Gambling, drinking, fighting, you name it and they have it! When you come up empty, it's easy enough to find work and make enough coin to have another night of fun again.  

The Desert Clan

A bunch of uptight people with rules on top of rules. They good folk though, and a great place to lick your wounds and get some food in your belly after lady luck has taken a sour turn if your not afraid of doing a hard day's work first. They sure don't like the Empire, so they ok in our book.  

The Mountain Clan

Man oh man do they not like us. Not only do they treat men like dogs, but they act like simply talking to us is gonna infect them with some kinda plague. The women here tho make the most amazing weapons and armor we have ever seen that make even the empire blush. We'll be sure to gather as much treasure here as possible so the empire doesn't get their hands on it. It's the responsible thing to do after all. I call dibs on the flaming sword!  

The Jungle Clans

Savages. Bunch of primitives who run around half naked screaming like banshees. They rob and pillage towns and not leaving enough for the rest of us honest pirates trying to make a living.  

The Merfolk Tribes

These Merfolk aren't civilized like the ones we travel with. They even more naked than the Jungle Vikings. Why is everyone naked on Pandora? What's even worse is they hate boats and try and sink us out at sea. I'm gonna stick that spear of their's up their naked asses!  

The Immortal Sun Empire


The Sky Clan

I don't know what kinda whisky the people here are drinking but I want some. They are in a constant state of zen. They won't stop asking questions about where we came from and are willing to pay double for any tech from the empire. They are a great place for trading and updating maps but they have the worst food I've ever had. Everything here is so bland. Can we go yet?

Examples of PC's linked to Pirate Factions



You offer support in exchange for help against the empire.  


You offer support in exchange for a new home for you and your people afterwards. Your group of 1000 or less refugees need a new home since the empire took your old one.  

Agent of the Queen of Hearts

You offer support in exchange for a rare artifact you bring back to your queen.  


You seek fortune so you can buy your own ship and be a captain of your own crew one day. It has always been your dream.