Field Equipment

When venturing into the trackless void every character is going to need the right hardware to survive the experience whilst on the move. The field equipment in this section includes some of the more common technology favoured by explorers and fearless investigators of worlds both human and alien. The TL5 equipment listed here can usually be found for sale on populous worlds with an active commerce in pretech relics, but smaller or more backwards worlds may not have any of it available.  

Environmental Durability

Most postech equipment is very much designed to last, but also designed to work under certain conditions only. Therefore most tech, including those listed here, will breakdown is taken underwater, or if exposed to extreme temperatures - unless the item was specifically designed to work within those conditions.    If waterproof and/or temperature protection is required for an item that wouldn't normally need it, then it must be specified at purchase and will usually increase the price. Environment proofing uses a mix of sealant materials, reinforcing techniques, and adjusting the compositional makeup of the item.
* - Some encumbrance entries are marked with an asterisk. Such items have no significant encumbrance and dozens can be carried without hindrance.   # - Some entries are marked with a hashmark. These objects can be conveniently packed together in a smaller, more portable package. Three such objects can be packed together as a single encumbrance item. For ammunition, one loaded magazine counts as one item. Breaking open such a package to get at the contents takes a Main Action, however, before they can be Readied with another Main Action.   d - Entries marked with a letter 'd' may be easily disassembled and reassembled to spread their normally-high encumbrance values across multiple characters/vehicles.   (#) - Encumbrance values marked within brackets state the encumbrance value when that object is worn   T - This column in the sheet indicates whether relevant training is required to properly use an object, as is often the case with advanced medical, engineering or scientific equipment. If it does, it will be marked with a 'Y' and will indicate the relevant Skill level also required (e.g. "Y-1" would indicate that the user must have relevant Training and at least level 1 in a relevant Skill). If the user doesn't meet these requirements, they may find it difficult or impossible to get the most out of that item.

Breathing Equipment

The following equipment is designed primarily to protect a character from various forms of suffocation or atmospheric poisoning. For more information on the effect of these hazards, see the handout in Roll20.


Characters are generally considered to carry a variety of flasks, belts, pouches and pockets to store items as 'readied' - especially if those items are directly related to their trainings. In many cases though extra containers are required to carry 'stowed' supplies, or to store certain special items. Note that medical supplies have their own range of containers, which can be found here.

Light Sources

Whilst sensors and scanners can enhance a human's natural senses, sometimes all that's required is a little more illumination. Without being able to see, characters are at a major disadvantage to complete almost any task.

Food & Water

They say that a character adventures on their stomach, in which case they'll find the menu below of particular interest. Food and water supplies can keep a person going, but there are benefits to those who eat well.   Each item is listed with an amount of time that supply will cover that character for, assuming this is almost everything that this character eats and drinks, but this amount can change depending on circumstances. For example, supply length may be doubled if characters with survival-relevant training can scrounge a supplementary amount of consumables from their surrounding environments. Meanwhile, extreme survival situations - such as crossing a burning desert or barren world - are likely to tax a human body to the extent that their supply length is halved.

Survival Tools

The following lists some of the miscellaneous survival equipment that are often favourited by intrepid frontiersmen, though their usefulness is certainly not limited to the wilderness of unexplored worlds. Most items here have specific, situtational uses - but their parts and functions are often very adaptable, limited only to the user's imagination.

Field Stations

Sometimes, it's necessary to establish a more reliable space amongst the frontier. Any structure of TL4 or higher can be fitted with one of the below additions at the listed cost.
  • Climate Controlled: Structures can be given the climate-control option, allowing their internal temperature and other conditions to be controlled for comfort. Costs Cr500.
  • Self-Assembling: The self-assembling upgrade can be given to tents, habitat modules and other basic structures. The structure is capable of expanding and assembling itself with only minimal aid, reducing the time needed to set up the shelter to a single person-hour. Costs Cr5000.
  • Self-Sealing: Structures can be made selfrepairing and self-sealing for Cr2000. Small breaches and rips are automatically fixed in seconds.