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Children of the Two Gods

Mythology & Lore

It is believed that the world was created as a byproduct of a war between Qhoas and Suarus. Qhoas created the humans to fend off the god of death who created the blighted to bring darkness and slavery to the world. It is now the duty of the humans to bring an age of peace and to finally destroy the blighted and rid the world of Suarus. If not done then the world and mankind will perish in a pit of fire for eternity.

Divine Origins

The origin of the religion began when Ezdos left the world to create more worlds and galaxies. Since Ezdos was absent slowly overtime the humans forgot about their real God. They then began to fight over who the God or Gods were creating new religions like the Children of the Two Gods. No one knows the truth of how the religion was actually born since the creator of it has long passed and all that's left is scripture.

Tenets of Faith

  • Prosecute all Evils
  • Fight for the faith
  • Guide fellow followers to truth
  • Do not lie for gains
  • Do not practice Dark magic or any rituals


They worship by spreading the scripture and meditating. They will also hunt any stray blighted that may come to close to the kingdom and out of thier territory. Some kingdoms will hire them as they have become very efficiant with killing blighted.


The religion is guided by priests called Apostles of Truth. They are appointed by going to the school of the two gods and learning about the faith. After they complete education they are then taken to the the council made up of the wisest Apostles. Once in front of the council you are then tested to determine which finger will be cut off. Pinky for the least wisest and thumb for the wisest.

Political Influence & Intrigue

They play a big role in recruiting for the military of the kingdom they are in. If they find someone who isn't willing to join the priesthood or isn't wise enough they are urged to join the military. Other than that they do not hold much power over politics.
Religious, Organised Religion
Related Species


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