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Kingdom of Nurean (Ner-ean)


The king rules over the kingdom looking after it and making the decisions. He accepts help from advisors he chooses from other Nobel houses.


They have a cutlure alot like Peleponisia. They belive they need to hold back and beat the Blighted. They are the front line kingdom protecting and keeping watch on the blighted.

Public Agenda

Thier goals are to keep the rest of the world safe from another blighted uprising. They belive they are the only kingdom stopping the blighted from dominating the world once more.


Two centuries after the founding of Peleponisia, the Kingdom of Nurean emerged amidst the escalating civil war of Votis. While Esira had experienced a relative lull in conflicts, Votis found itself engulfed in an intensifying struggle for power and dominance. The chaos and bloodshed threatened to plunge the region into further devastation. Recognizing the need for intervention to restore stability, Peleponisia, now a firmly established kingdom, decided to extend its influence beyond its borders. Their arrival on the shores of Votis marked a turning point in the conflict, as they sought to broker peace among the warring factions. Among the numerous noble houses vying for control, the House of Buckmour stood out as a beacon of hope for a peaceful resolution. Its young and ambitious leader, a promising noble, caught the attention of Peleponisian diplomats. Sensing an opportunity to create a new alliance, Peleponisia struck a deal with the noble, offering support in exchange for their rule over a newly founded kingdom. The Kingdom of Nurean was born from this alliance between Peleponisia and the House of Buckmour. With the arrival of Peleponisian soldiers, the tide quickly turned against the power-hungry nobles who had perpetuated the conflict. The superior military prowess and strategic acumen of the Peleponisian forces swiftly dismantled the opposition, allowing the House of Buckmour to claim their place as the ruling house of the newly formed kingdom. Under the guidance of Peleponisia, the Kingdom of Nurean embarked on a path of stability and progress. Drawing upon the knowledge and experience of their benefactors, the Nurean kingdom implemented policies to heal the wounds of war, foster unity among its people, and rebuild the shattered infrastructure of Votis. Peleponisia's assistance extended beyond military might. They shared their expertise in governance, law, and trade, helping Nurean establish a solid foundation for sustainable growth. Through this collaboration, the Kingdom of Nurean flourished, becoming an exemplar of order and prosperity amidst the tumultuous times. The alliance between Peleponisia and Nurean grew stronger over the years. The two kingdoms forged deep bonds of friendship and mutual respect, exemplifying the spirit of cooperation and shared destiny. Peleponisia took pride in witnessing Nurean's rise as a prosperous and influential realm under the leadership of the House of Buckmour. The story of Peleponisia's intervention in Votis's civil war and the subsequent founding of the Kingdom of Nurean became a testament to the power of alliances and the potential for unity in times of strife. It stood as a shining example of how strength and compassion could be wielded hand in hand to bring about positive change and reshape the destiny of nations. As Peleponisia and Nurean continued to collaborate, their combined efforts had a ripple effect across the continent. The neighboring kingdoms and factions took notice of their achievements, recognizing the wisdom and prosperity that emanated from their harmonious relationship. Together, Peleponisia and Nurean stood as beacons of hope in a war-torn world, inspiring others to strive for peace and cooperation. Their partnership became a symbol of the enduring legacy that could be forged when nations set aside their differences and worked together for the greater good. And so, the Kingdom of Nurean, borne out of the partnership between Peleponisia and the House of Buckmour, thrived, becoming an enduring testament to the power of unity and the transformative impact of noble aspirations.

Demography and Population

Towns and cities litter the land with small villages tasked with farming and mining. They also have special military camps tasked with keeping an eye on the nearby kingdom of Helthane. The average birth death rate is a lot like Peleponisia's which is 2:1. They have a total population of 2,153,706


The lands occupied by Nurean are ancestral lands once held by the old Pelotorean Kingdom who was once tasked with defending against the blighted.


Forces are organized into range, melee, and siege units. They are then separated further between specialties and what unit they serve in.


The only religion allowed to be practiced within city limits is the Children of the Two Gods. All other religions are outlawed within the city limits. All dark and ritualistic religions are forbidden and you will face extreme punishment if caught participating in them.


  • Illegal- Drug Abuse, Spying, Vandalism, Tax evasion, Treason
  • Punishments- Torture, Flogging, Hanging, Fines, Prison
  Severity of punishments depend on the crime and how serious it is. The documents for laws are stored in the capital in the main building dedicated to laws.

Agriculture & Industry

Nurean is an industrial power with huge focuses on mining and steel production along with lumber.

Trade & Transport

Wealthy merchants trade between the big cites while the average and pooer merchants trade from the cities to towns and villages throughout the territory.


basic education is given out free to the population but higher education is more for the wealthy. The average education level would be a little below average.
Founding Date
10,732 RB
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
They use the same currency as Peleponisia which are gold coins called Chrons. Big purchases are handled by the banks in the form of notes.
Major Exports
The main exports include iron, coal, copper, lumber, and limestone
Major Imports
The main imports include grain, pelts, meat, and beer
Legislative Body
The king makes the laws and rules of the kingdom helped by his advisors.
Judicial Body
Citizens called Law Bringers read and interpret the laws to the Nobels and the citizens.
Executive Body
The nobles enforce the laws in their respective lands. Usually using their active military as the enforcers.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species


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