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The Door in Reality, Session 3

General Summary

Beginning Stuff

At House Gardenia, Storm's Children are still in turmoil - they demand protection, R&R and solidarity. The effects of The Orchids have caused a rift - some are obsessed with them and some don’t understand. They are angry that this was allowed to happen and they need time off working and some protection from each other while this is resolved, so they can become one unified people again.   Peppering (with a small group) is hunting Errol Mustang, he learns. They are hoping that taking Errol down will earn them goodwill with The Cut and buy their citizenship.   (devotion miss, ear to the ground miss)  

Styg Finds a Workshop

Styg regains consciousness in a well-equipped workshop that his AI had built and used without his knowledge. Stevedore’s forearm is there (but the rest of it isn’t). He wants to connect to the tech of this planet, using this component. He needs an antenna and a couple of days work - Matthew Lutey’s augury device would work as parts, but he’d need Matthew to be involved to understand the workings quicker.   (tinkering)  

Matthew Looks at The Door

Matthew understands where he is and gets an overview of The World's Psychic Maelstrom, briefly. He understands that The Door isn’t a thing yet, but is likely to be a mechsuit or a portal. It connects many realities / dimensions. He gets a sense that the player characters are player characters, maybe. He exits into The Skyway and convinces The Cult of The Door that he is a messenger of The Door - they share their knowledge and give him a steed so that he can return to his vault.   (the door complete success, deceive complete success)  

Sequoia Approaches Harbortown

Sequoia is stopped at a distance from Harbortown on her approach, but she offers mercenary services for healing and barter. Via Prune, a deal is struck - she delivers five heads of The Cut’s defenders for access and those things.   Foster and Reginald Fulton overhear the discussion. Foster wants to meet Sequoia in secret.   (charm complete success)  

Foster’s Conspiracy - Pell and Reginald

Foster speaks to Astiniltlish "Pell" Pelligri and Reginald about overthrowing Millions as leader of Harbortown. They are both relatively on board, in different ways for different reasons. She wants Sequoia to be the assassin, then the help of Reginald and Pell to establish her own leadership afterwards.  

House Gardenia has Problems

Storm Gardenia’s children are squabbling - she needs to either destroy the orchids or overrule their influence. She commands her children to find and destroy all orchids (uncharacteristically) - it’s messy. Some of the non-orchid members turn it into a witch-hunt and assume too much authority. There are scuffles, people are upset. The orchids are all found and burned. Storm comforts the enthralled (partly) but lets slip that Dog head still has some orchids.  
Storm Gardenia sketch by Phoebe Herring
  (read a situation complete success, [leadership] miss, charm partial success)  

Errol’s Day

Errol goes scavenging in a hidden warehouse district of The Buried City. He finds some good resources, guarded by mutated creatures. He sneaks in and out cleanly, grabbing some batteries and small electronics - a good haul.   (buried city partial success, read a situation partial success, under fire complete success)  

Styg’s Sneaking Mission

Styg intends to sneak into Harbortown by water but can’t find a good route. He secretly cuts through the wall and sneaks around town, observing workshops, repair places, etc. He bumps into Pell, who helps him meet Millions.   (read situation miss, act under fire complete success)  

Styg Meets Millions

Pell takes Styg to Millions safely. They discuss the source of Harbortown's weapons and the worship of angel figures that Styg has witnessed. Millions will give Stig more information if he brings five heads of The Cut’s defenders. Millions seems aware that Stig was involved in the attack on the wall, but will overlook it if the task is performed.   (lay out a plan partial success, read someone partial success)  

Reginald and Foster meet Sequoia

Foster's conspiracy is discussed. Foster will provide for Sequoia if she assassinates Millions (on returning from her task - though Foster would prefer her not to kill any from The Cut). Foster will do her best to keep Sequoia and her children safe.   (read someone partial success)  

Matthew Comes Home

It takes longer than expected, but Matthew arrives back at his vault.   (buried city partial success)  

Errol Heads Out

Errol is fired upon when leaving his hideout - Barry Manilow is injured and needs to land. It takes some time, but Errol guides him down safely at House Gardenia, though Storm has already left.   (act under fire miss, deal with bad terrain partial success)  

Storm Confronts Dog head

Storm discusses the orchids with Dog head - he’s finding ways to make drugs out of them. She demands that he doesn’t sell them to her children, but he believes people should make their own choices. He agrees to tell her who from House Gardenia buys any orchid products.   (confront partial success)
Related Adventure
Adventure: The Door in Reality
Report Date
12 Jan 2021
Primary Location
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Cover image: Perfect Circle Header by Ché Wilbraham


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