
Written by FishermanKyle


A tall and strong earth genasi hailing from the small Kingdom settlement of Warwikhamp (now destroyed). His menacing fighting style contradicts his trusting, light-hearted, and frankly, ignorant and oblivious personality.


Early Life

Finding the Dwarves

Leaving Warwikhamp

The Partycrashers



Special Friend

Towards Liça of Greenwave


Liça of Greenwave

Special Friend

Towards Miloš



Pupil and Adoptive Son (Important)

Towards Brogg




Mentor (Important)

Towards Miloš



Brogg Berylback

Mentor (Important)

Towards Miloš



Protégé (Important)

Towards Brogg Berylback


A tall and strong earth genasi hailing from the small Kingdom settlement of Warwikhamp (now destroyed). His menacing fighting style contradicts his trusting, light-hearted, and frankly, ignorant and oblivious personality.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
31 Time's Heart
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
280 lbs
The Monarch in Throne
Artwork of Milos
Miloš by Rachris_art

20 Rekindling to Lyça
20 Rekindling

Lyça,   We had the best day of the bee ever. I’ll tell you all about it when I get back. I’m writing this while driving, but Throden is an oryx so the carriage basically drives itself. Also I’m up here alone because Walker (who goes by Wind now) is mad at me for asking a personal question and they’re normally riding shotgun since Xilmoira is …special, like she told you on New Year’s. I know they don’t like talking about their past but I found out that they have someone who’s still alive they care about, which makes me happy. Having someone to live for is a good thing to have. I tried asking Dwaiyn about that stuff but he’s …special too, so maybe we can meet someone or something for him. He mentions on occasion that we should kill him if anything goes sideways, but I couldn’t do that to him or anyone else in the group. We’re heading to first bridge so if I don’t make it back, that’s why. Just kidding.

13 Rekindling to Sofia
13 Rekindling

Mama,   The King himself has invited me to Throne. I’m still shaking writing this down I can’t believe it. A member of the King’s Bulwark itself delivered the message. Although we’re pretty close, we have a couple of dead bodies to resurrect and don’t want them to get gross so we’re heading back to Greenwave to see what the magic people can do. Maybe you can come to Throne too and meet Lyça. I think you’d like her a lot.   I also think you’d like Xilmoira, because she gave me a stern talking to after I told something about her to Avalanche of the King’s Bulwark. I thought he should know since he was a companion of not only us, but of the king, but I’ve learned many other people don’t understand how good the king is and it’s hard for me to grasp. I’ve had good discussion with Dwaiyn who’s very religious and pious and he seems open to the ways of the Kingdom. I haven’t seen him grow any yet. I miss you and Brog and the rest of you very much. I’m always looking at the stars knowing they’re the same ones you’re looking at.

13 Rekindling to Lyça
13 Rekindling

Lyça,   I have received some of the greatest news. The King himself has invited me to Throne along with the rest of us Partycrashers (cool name, right?). I cannot explain to you how I feel. A member of his Bulwark, Avalanche, has delivered this news and he is truly an awe-inspiring subject of the Kingdom. I think when Warwikhamp is liberated I want to become a member.   That being said, we are still heading back to Greenwave. Avalanche and the message said the augurs know when we’re coming, and I want you to come see Throne of course.

8 Rekindling to Sofia
8 Rekindling

Mama,   I am definitely good at fighting people and monsters, but there are some pretty powerful things in the world. Luckily all of my friends are good at fighting too because we keep getting assigned jobs sending us to dangerous places. We keep running into people who want to kill other people, be in power, or monsters who want to eat us. Very different from hunting back in Warwikhamp. I found some spice that smelled just like a thunderstorm at home. I can't explain it, but it felt like I was a kid and you were holding me on the front porch. I gave all the team some thinking it would help, but I shouldn't have given it to Wind because they were in a bad place and it must not work if you're already sad or upset. Everything down here is either magical or weird in some way so I'm learning a lot but sometimes it can be overwhelming. I really do miss those times back home like the thunderstorm, even if I didn't appreciate it at the time. I wonder if the house is still standing, but if not, I'll build a better one. I promise.

8 Rekindling to Lyça
8 Rekindling

Lyça,   We went into a dungeon to find someone and we found them dead and had a fight. The Didacy isn't going to be very happy, but the rest of the group says that maybe the Didacy can bring him back to life! Magic is crazy. We also picked up a nice elf friend named Sylivar, but he died too. Everyone else is ok except Xilmoira seems to have changed, like her hair is more white and she has new powers. That would be cool if something like that happened to me, but she was on the ground throwing up for a while when it happened, so maybe not.   I'm practicing my calligraphy and painting when I can, but it's not going super well. The magic paint I have is only in black so you can only do so much. This cave was probably the second weirdest one we've been in because there were some doors that felt wrong to go through. Like waking up in a different room than your bedroom in the middle of the night, except that weird feeling stayed. I miss our breakfasts and lunches and am getting tired of the fish and hard tack but defintiely don't want to try any of Throden's food because it's mostly Sylivar. I hope you're doing well and staying safe too.

4 Rekindling to Sofia
4 Rekindling

Mama,   I'm writing this journal to give to you when we meet again. I met someone who gave me the idea that I really like. Her name is Lyça and she's very pretty. We actually met because she's the person who runs the message shop in the city. I was waiting for your message and we started eating meals together and talked about lots of stuff. I think you'd like her because she's not only pretty, but she has a good head on her shoulders, as you'd say. She is also an elf which is pretty neat because I haven't met too many elves besides the Malevia's on the outskirts of Warwikhamp.   Anyway I hope you're doing well. I think about you and the townspeople every day. I'm staying safe for the most part and trying to meet and understand new people but everyone is different so it's hard. Like we have a lizardfolk who uses and eats parts of dead bodies (but it's ok) and a tabaxi who used to be able to use magic but then went to dream court and now they can't. We have an orc who is very strange, but I think it's because he died for 50 years and we have an elf who can talk to animals and has a wolf as a son. Actually a lot of them can talk to animals, including our polar bear named Gunk who is very good. The world is so big, mom and I have been scared a couple of times but I know that you'd be proud of what I'm doing.

4 Rekindling to Lyça
4 Rekindling

Lyça,   I just remembered that you asked me to keep a journal for you so when I get back I can remember all the things I did. Also you told me to not die, but I just came pretty close because of a craterslide, which I had never heard of. It sounded like a big explosion and then a giant cloud of dust made it so all of us couldn't breathe. Throden jumped into the sea from a bridge, and I didn't want her to be hurt so I jumped in too but the bridge was a lot higher than I thought and we didn't hit water it was more of a muck. I'm obviously fine but wow it hurt. I'm ok though Dwaiyn did a good job at healing me!   We met a ship on the bridge from the consulate a couple days ago asking us about the Circlecrash and stuff. They seemed nice but I can't keep track of all the names and people down here in the south and I don't understand what they all want. It seems like a big hassle to be in control. We're about to head off road into the gravel marshes which could be fun. Throden keeps turning into a big ox to help us move faster. I still don't get how she can do that, turn back into Throden, and still have clothes on. Magic is weird.
Character Portrait image: Miloš by Rachris_art


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Apr 12, 2023 22:36 by Dillon

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