Liça of Greenwave

Liça of Greenwave is an elven woman residing in Greenwave's Victus District. She is the sole daytime operator of the sending Sending Stone Office operated by the town. She has a reputation for her elegant handwriting and management skills of the office. She has recently become acquainted with the Didacy-affiliated adventuring group known as the Partycrashers, and has begun the early stages of courting one of its members, Miloš of Warwikhamp.  

Known Early Life

Liça was born to an elven family which has inhabited Greenwave for at least a generation. While she has no connection to the Lorthr’ten Tribes, she is at least aware of their existence and their status as the origin point of all Elves. She is lightly familiar with the myths of the Lorthr'ten people passed down by her parents, including the The Genesis of the Elves and the Loss of Lady Lorthr'ten. While she is acquainted with some of the culture, she is largely ambivalent toward it, wanting to instead focus on her life goals. She assisted her parents at their textile shop for most of her early life.   After taking a free course offered by the Didacy in calligraphy and stenography, Liça became interested in the field as a career. She excelled at shorthand writing skills and expedience, which led her to apply for a job at the Didacy Sending Stone Office. However, she did not get the position, but was recommended to petition for expanded hours of the Greenwave office. After she successfully requested the Town Council to expand the hours, Liça was granted the nighttime operator position. After the daytime operator, Bart Harlow, passed away, she took over as daytime operator.  

Involvement with the Partycrashers

In late 9047, Miloš entered the sending stone office, wishing to send a message to his mother in desperation after hearing of the destruction of Warwikhamp. Liça, being on duty, assisted him in sending an urgent message through the network to the city of Alterporton. After sending the message Milos returned to the office every day to await a response regarding his mother's fate. Liça and he made conversation and began to bond. Milos would regularly venture out for food from local taverns and bring back some for both of them, even waiting for her outside in the morning.   Eventually, Milos received a reply from his mother, setting his mind at ease. After this, he continued to visit Liça at the office, despite having no other reason other than to see her. On New Year's Eve, Liça asked if he would like to go somewhere to celebrate. He agreed and later that night introduced Liça to the rest of the Partycrashers. They went to a bar in the Fedronan District to celebrate, where Milos and the other Partycrashers engaged in the Test of Knowledge in duos against one another and the other patrons. Milos and Throden Lowaan became co-champions that night and were challenged by the Grandchampion Immolate, against whom they lost. Liça congratulated Milos and Throden on their victory and participated in revelries for the night.   As midnight, Immolate toasted to the New Year with a rare drink, getting most of the Partycrashers drunk in the process. As celebrations wound down, Liça helped the party back to their Didacy lodging. En route, Xilmoira drunkenly told Liça of her royal origins and son, Kieran, which she promised Milos she would not disclose. After guiding them back, Liça said goodnight to Milos and gave him a kiss.   The next day, Runs on the Wind approached her to send a message to Ophelia San Laren, which he requested particular discression for. Later that night, she delivered him her response.   On 2 Rekindling 9048, Milos and the rest of the Partycrashers were assigned a new job to which they were to be deployed immediately. Liça said her goodbyes to Milos and asked him to return safely.  


Liça is matter-of-fact and straightforward in virtually every interaction, a trait she saw reflected in Milos. Her determination to accomplish her professional goals are also at the forefront of every action she takes as a Stone Technician. She takes great pride in her work and does it diligently, not hiding her ambitions at self improvement and desire to advance in the field. Her intensity are often aspects that some consider grating, but she feels her frankness is necessary. Despite this, she also enjoys cutting loose often, evidenced by her frequenting every tavern in Greenwave at least once a year. A heavyweight drinker by any measure, she is known to regularly participate in drinking contests as a way to blow off steam when she needs it.



Special Friend

Towards Liça of Greenwave


Liça of Greenwave

Special Friend

Towards Miloš


Current Status
Manning the Greenwave Sending Stone Office
Current Location
Date of Birth
29 Harvest
Year of Birth
8936 FFC 112 Years old
Current Residence
Brown, medium length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white skin
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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