
God of Battle

Bellum was created by Ferrum to be his interface with mortals. It is Bellum’s responsibility to stoke the fires of war when the balance needs shifted.   Bellum can be impetuous and stubborn. He is quick to invoke punishment on those mortals who waver in their faith to the Order of Ferrum. He is vengeful against those who he sees as evil and a threat to the order. He hones his wrath and makes swift judgment with little regard for subtleties or variation.   Bellum is responsible for the great war that started the Century of Cataclysm. He rallied the good armies of Pharus to rise up against the dark cults of Orcus and the armies of evil and undead that where spreading across the world. Bellum’s interference was eventually noticed by Orcus who descended upon Pharus, and a great conflict ensued. For 10 years Bellum and Orcus battled, ravaging the land and wiping out populations. The 100 year war finally ended when Lumen intervened. Orcus and his undead armies had the upper hand and were close to finishing off Bellum and the forces of good. Lumen sacrificed Bellum, using him as a catalyst to cast Orcus out of the realm and back to Thanatos. Bellum’s death signified the end of the cataclysm and the beginning of the Rebirth Era.

Divine Domains

War, Tempest

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Long Sword
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Death
Sacrificed to banish Orcus from the realm ending the century of cataclysm
Lawful Neutral
Requirements of the Priesthood:   Patron God of Paladins  
  • Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral