Abilot Homeworlds

Abilot space is a shadow of it's former self. It used to have several large houses running internal affairs, spies and diplomats exchanging information or silence for favors. In this era Andirral was just another large house under Abilot, owning a small portion of space near the Maxdel border. A house working for Abilot was caught and caused a critical embarrassment for the Kowloon family and in retaliation Kowloon forced Abilot to strictly punish this house, executing the spies, retracting their charter and dispossessing the living family members. This failure to protect the families and houses sworn to Abilot caused the Andirral insurrection in 5272. The war lasted for 10 years, It started with many exclave houses in both sides that were quickly suppressed, Andirral had no money nor authority to print tender so funded the entire war by raiding and smuggling goods. These raids were used by Abilot to bring Maxdel in as a full fledged ally when millions in Maxdel script was stolen in a raid on the regular tithe to Kowloon, et Empire. Even after Maxdel joined the war the raids did not act cautiously and ended up raiding into Ranet, enraging the border princes, Ranet entered the war briefly in 5278, blew past every system in their way directly to Sofia where the Prince of Ranet aboard the 2nd rate Ship Of the Line Tyrant defeated the Andirral system defense fleets and prepared to siege Sofia. Andirral negotiated a cease fire after this much to Abilots disappointment.
  At the end of the war Andirral had captured a large strip of territory along Abilots northern border, ridding them of a link to Ranet. In 5282 Maxdel, Abilot, Andirral agreed to a mediated cease-fire with Kowloon as the mediator. The borders were drawn right where the battle lines once were, Abilot wished to reject the terms but worry that Andirral would do unto them which Ranet had done just 4 years prior forced them into signing the truce.
  Now Abilot is in a spiral, trade and goods still flow through the Abilot, but with less than half of their previous holdings many cuts were made to the houses agendas and aspirations. The BrodKas College was formed and across Abilot massive warehouses were erected to store, catalog and analyze all information gathered by the BrodKas network. The BrodKas network are the lifeblood of Abilot, where before information was used for favors and blackmail now it is used for coin, desperately needed for 40 years
  For 40 years Abilot paid Andirral's half of taxation until the Empire's official recognition of Andirral in 5324. In this year Nasirdin refused to attend the meeting of princes at Imperial Center sending his Scion instead. That year was the last time Nasirdin made a public appearance, staying holed up in his garden on Whisper-By-The-Sands.
  Abilot warships patrol the Andirral border intercepting any smugglers, spies and pirates that dare venture across, but after negotiations with Maxdel these border forces are frequently augmented by small divisions of trained Maxdel units that serve to stiffen the lacking Abilot forces.
Star System Sector
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