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The Eleven Year War

The Eleven Year War, also called "Small War" was fought 713 AKC to 724 AKC between the Empire and Dhussin.

Structural Origins

Dhussin had a long lasting monopoly on gems within the Empire. Due to the ever increasing importance of magic during the last two centuries, the price for spell gems multiplied. Most other provinces and with them the Emperor Esthon Eleazar XXIII were afraid of Dhussin supremacz within the Empire. Therefore in 713 AKC the Emperor with the support of the Senate declared war on Dhussin. War goal was to get a hold of the gem mines in northeastern Dhussin.

The conflict

After the declaration of war, the Emperor called upon the legions in the Empire to mobilize against Dhussin. The call was eventually answered by eight out of nine legions, even though some legions were not mobilized until late 716 AKC. Hoping to secure the gem mines within the first months of the war, the Emperor sent the first two legions into the plains of Eastern Dhussin. They were met with unexpected resistance by Dhussins commoners and milita.
  The inital assault of 713 AKC was haltet quickly by Dhussin forces. After that the war front only progressed slowly. The mysterious death of the Emperor in 714 AKC and the missing leadership within the Empire undermined most of the Empires advances additionally. Every victory on either side was paid by a huge toll of lives.
  From 720 AKC voices within the Empire called for an end. This was, at the time, no possibility for either side, without loosing face. The absence of an Emperor and the political instability within the Senate made it virtually impossible to hold peace talks. Instead of a few months the war lasted eleven years, thus giving the conflict it's name. The peace deal was eventually brokered under the guidance of Senator Sebastian LASTNAME and Dhussin officials in the late year of 724 AKC. As a result the disputed territory of northeastern Dhussin was separated from the dwarven province and a new province of the Empire was formed under the name of Weresoc. Nearly all of the contested gem mines remained in Dhussin.


The province of Dhussin lost a big part of their economical might. Loosing the northeastern territory and the possibility to trade with Cora Tellus takes a toll on its future development possibilities. Besides that it is estimated that up to 20% of its population died or went into exile (mostly to Gillaea,Philleas or Dragons Cradle) during the eleven years of warfare. The population of Dhussin is now primarily Dwarven, as most of its former Halfling and Gnome settlements were either destroyed during the war or are located in Weresoc.
  The Empires treasuries were nearly emptied during the war. Diplomatic tensions are at an all time high, as there is still no Emperor on the throne and succession not decieded. Provinces such as Lockwill's Stones block important Senate decisions for redevelopment to maintain federal liberties.
  The newly founded province of Weresoc is still dependent on military and economic aid from the Empire. The newly appointed Weresoc senators increase the overall size of the Senate, which leads to more difficult proceedings and formations of majority.
Conflict Type
Date 713 AKC - 724 AKC
Location Notheastern Dhussin
Participants Eleazarian Empire, Dhussin
Result Undecided victory
Course of the war 713 AKC - 722 AKC


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