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Reki Kraya

Reki Kraya is a small city in the North of Weresoc. The city suffered multiple raids during the Eleven Year War and was nearly completely destroyed by 724 A.K.C. After the war, the native Halflings started to rebuild the city. Its proximity to the newly founded mining outpost Phanlin helped with the reconstruction effort. Even though it borders Dragons Cradle, the vast majority of the population consists of smallfolk such as Halflings, Gnomes and Dwarves. Therefore, most of the infrastructure is sized for them.   Reki Craya has a walled keep, a market square and a chapel dedicated to Kadmiel.   In 725 A.K.C. the city was sacked by Kobolds. The attack was ultimately repelled by a small military detachment from Weresoc.


The tavern The Blue Pheasant is famous for its "Porridge and Bacon Breakfast Combo", a variation of the Smallfolk Porridge. It is served all day in The Blure Pheasant.


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