Taras Istarion (TAH-ras iss-TAH-ree-ohn)

Taras Istarion (lit "tower of wizards") is the home of the (some sort of order of council of Wizards for Eridane?) It is located in the Eridanean capitol of Timarion, at the top of the Selbraen Caestina. The base of the tower joins with the top of Artúrion, the royal palace of Eridane.
The exterior structure of the tower is made of crystaline plates and facets wrapped in vine-shaped stonework, rising into dramatic spires of solid crystal peaked by large gem-like crystals. The colors of the crystals vary depending on the light and weather conditions around them at any given time. During bright sunlight, they channel that light and shine yellow or bright silver; under clouds, they appear grey or dark silver. When it rains, the crystals seem like flowing water, and under storms there are yellow streaks and bursts from the crystaline peaks that match lightning strikes. At night, the crystals seem clear or dark, but often have shoots of various colors of light streaking through them, sometimes flowing to and then bursting forth from the crystaline tips. (It is often speculated that these bursts are related to some magical activity within the tower, but this has never been confirmed.)
In addition to its remarkable exterior, the interior of the tower includes some remarkable features as well. The tower is lined up along the east-west directional axis, and as such the front of the tower faces the sunrise and the rear faces the sunset. While the crystaline exterior provides remarkable displays, on the inside each of these sides is lined with spectacular stained glass windows, whose size and beauty is said to surpass any others in all of Prodat. There are nine sets of windows on each side, each of a different style and pattern. Each shows a different effect during the peak times of sunrise of sunset (depending on the side).  

PE Q taras, noun, "great towering building" and Q istarion, gen pl "of wizards", from istar, noun, "wizard"
Tower, Mage
Parent Location


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