Artúrion (ar-TOO-ree-on)

Artúrion (lit. "royal palace") is the primary residence of the High King/Queen of Eridane and main administrative headquarters of the Kingdom of Eridane. Located on the island of Tollassëo in Timarion, the palace rises from the island amidst the waterfalls of the Selbraen Caestina, rising towards the top of the ridge of the Da'alinar.  At its top, the palace merges with the bottom of Taras Istarion, the Wizards' Tower that sits on the top of the ridge.     
PE Q ar(a)-, prefix, "noble, high" and Q túrion, noun, "palace"
Founding Date
orig BF 2436; major updates in BF 1625, BF 982, and BF 129
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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