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A country that would not exist without divine influence, Papaver is a barren land. The soil is frozen for months on end, the snowfall near constant. The Ilios Sea holds dangerous ice floes and large glaciers the farther north one goes. It is difficult to describe such a place as beautiful. And yet, that is exactly how its residents would describe Papaver. That, and home.


Papaver is divided into five regions based on population, with the regions farthest away from Demetria having the most land since there are less people, living more spread out. Those regions elect officials, two for each. They form the Frostbitten Council and guide Papaver towards Amrit's light.


Called to Demetria, and by extension Papaver, by Amrit, the people there feel chosen. The idea that they are at home is one that is treasured and protected. Of course, this has created the idea that there is the perfect home, and that those who do not belong there must be kicked out or they could ruin the ideal utopia Amrit had in mind when she created Demetria in the first place.


When Demetria was formed thanks to the Call, people were then forced to expand outwards in order to hunt and farm. They had to learn how to grow things in the arctic climate. Additionally, those who were kicked out of Demetria because they didn't fit the ideal but felt they needed to stay close by because they felt Amrit's call stayed in the region that would become Papaver. Thus the country formed around Demetria.

Demography and Population

Though people of all races heard Amrit's Call, some races were not accepted by others and live in the farther reaches of Papaver rather than close to Demetria. Drows, orcs, goliaths, goblins, and the like live closer to the border of Thraex and the Ice Wastes.


As the Frostbitten Council looks down on forceful worship, Amrit's religious rites are not law. However all born in Papaver have supposedly heard her call in their hearts at one point or another, and so at least a small altar to her rests on every mantel, though some richer families do more elaborate displays.

Foreign Relations

Having a diplomatic relationship with most other countries, Papaver is less aggressive than Apis with their religious views and thus are treated with more kindness. They are outwardly accepting of all, and look down on more formal relations.

Agriculture & Industry

Ice, whaling, sealskin, etc. The north may have looked vast and unforgiving, but the people of Papaver find that it provides, and it provides more than enough for them to trade to others as well.

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Founding Date
200 A. A.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Neighboring Nations


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