Pure blood Martian Species in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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Pure blood Martian

Deep beneath the surface of Mars lives the red planets true Inhabitants, The Pure bloods. The Pure blood Martians are 8 foot tall, 4 armed green skinned humanoids, with varying telepathic powers. Powers ranging from telekinis, to mind reading.   The Pure bloods are smart, their technology is so advanced that they claim to even have a cure for Human Cancer. Though even with all this technology the Pure bloods have never left mars.   Long ago the Pure bloods lived upon the surface of Mars ,their great civilization, a marvel to see, but all that changed when the great cataclysm occurred. A mighty earth quake followed by a great sandstorm came and forced the purebloods to retreat underground and rebuild beneath the surface of Mars. For Centuries the Pure Bloods, thrived and rebuilt their mighty kingdom beneath the red sands, but they also kept tabs on what happened on the surface. It wouldn't be until the first human colonists began terraforming near their borders that the Pure bloods would emerge from underground and confront their new neighbors.    After The colonist met the pure bloods there was some minor problems... but eventually worked everything out. Now a days the Pure bloods, and the Neo-Martians now live in a prosperous co-existence with one another.   The Pure bloods now hold an association status within the U.N.S. and work along side the navy. and other human organinizations.

Basic Information


The Pure blood martians are 8ft tall, 4 armed, green skinned humanionds.

Genetics and Reproduction

Pure blood Martians reproduce via sexual reproduction, and instead of live births the Martians lay eggs.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The have 2 eyes, and small holes on the sides of their heads that act as ears.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Pure blood names are rather long but they can be shorted   for the Males: Alrath mannis thol, or Nimm sar Collus, or Dollum Thimm Valk. Followed by a long miriad of family names. For the Females: Menia fellos tem thek, or Arka Jar Fel noss, or Rita seymal jor ronn.

Major Organizations

The Martian sovereignty, and the King of Saltoor.
Scientific Name
Arjuk Majoris
Geographic Distribution


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