Events Affecting Qal'ath

Events within or without Qal'ath that directly impact the Realm.

  • 350 BFD


    The Founding of Qal'ath

    The establishment of Qal'ath in the centre of the Erdàn Savànii, forcing out the original Qalathii to take control of the main sources of water.   This has been formalised into Fallen Down of Nectar Glen.

    Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

    Additional timelines
  • 64 BFD

    53 BFD


    The Gem Rush

    The Gem Rush in the higher reaches of the The Forest of Doon, which saw many take up pick and shovel in an attempt to find rare jewels which were rumoured to be found there. Many people died during that decàna and almost no gems of value were discovered.

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  • 52 BFD


    Doonian Mining Ban Edict
    Diplomatic action

    The then-King of Qal'ath banned all who were within the Realm from travelling to The Forest of Doon for mining purposes. The Elelupii of The Verdant Hills - Bevérohii passed a similar motion at the same time.

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  • 1 BFD

    28 /11

    The First Destruction
    Disaster / Destruction

    The war with the Kingdom of Shevezz ended moments before the "host from the East" and the "White Dragon" arrived causing devastation, fire and death to Bezélan, the Shan da San and forever changing the landscape of what would become the Wild Marshes.   Both Kings died while the Parchments of Accord, the peace agreement between Qal'ath and Shevezz survived.

  • 0 BFD

    10 AFD


    Wild Marshes are Formed
    Geological / environmental event

    Over a decàna the Ousohii become the Fyrohii, forming the Wild Marshes where the Ousohii Crofters once worked. The Wild Folk develop from the ruins of the civilization of the Ousohii Crofters.

    Wild Marshes
  • 0 BFD

    1 /5 22:00

    White Dragon banished to the Forbidden Heights
    Life, Relocation

    The nameless White Dragon that was summoned to the Battlefield at the Shan Da San was banished to the Forbidden Heights by the equally nameless mage, instead of being killed by the armies of Qal'ath and Shevezz.

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  • 20 AFD


    Byantē Alliance Founded

    From tribes and clans throughout the area and with a peace accord with the Dragons, the Byantē Alliance was founded, becoming the second largest geographical political area of the Erdàn Savànii after Qal'ath.

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  • 529 AFD


    Carnael II Crowned King
    Political event

    Carnael II crowned King of Qal'ath, following the death of his father, Carnael I.

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  • 545 AFD

    22 /6
    545 AFD

    24 /6

    The North Kyadii Incursion
    Military action

    The Kyadii of Frostplain carve through the The Forest of Doon, it was believed, to attack Bezélan.   The account of this is being told in Skirmishes and Schisms:

    Skirmishes and Schisms

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  • 545 AFD

    1 /7 01:00
    554 AFD

    29 /11 23:00

    Foyiitùn Language Ban
    Diplomatic action

    The ill-fated attempt by King Carnael II to ban the speaking of Foyiitùn across the Realm of Qal'ath following the first Qalathii-Foyii Scism of Jylta and Jolta in 545.

    More reading
    Foyiitùn Language Ban Edict
    Additional timelines
  • 553 AFD

    553 AFD


    Daily Persistent Rainfall Reported
    Geological / environmental event

    From this date, rain in the day and cold nights began to become more frequent.

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