Region - The Wandering Hills Geographic Location in Qinla'Un | World Anvil

Region - The Wandering Hills

Rolling hills separating the southern half of the Eastern Continent from the Coral Sea. Multiple small towns dot the landscape and roaming nomadic tribes are a fairly common sight.


A smaller expanse of rolling hills and tall grass fields. Some larger hills with small cliff faces can be found that are tall enough to overlook a large area. A large and rapid river runs the eastern border of these lands with rushing water and violent currents.

Multiple towns dot the landscape of these plains and rolling hills including Silverwick, Eastvale, and Nightbarrow. The Coral Docks are also located in the northeastern part of this region, taking travelers to and from the Coral Abyss.

Localized Phenomena

Rainfall is sporadic, if not rare. However, due to the weather patterns that impact this region, powerful thunderstorms are typically the only storms that roll through, and most will last the better part of a day. These storms tend to bring much needed rainfall to the region, but also make travel quite dangerous.


Temperatures in the region are faily steady around 75F degrees, with dips into the 50s at night.

Fauna & Flora

Roaming herds of Axe Beaks can be seen throughout the region. These tall flightless birds have strong legs and heavy, wedge-shaped beaks. They have a nasty disposition and tend to attack any unfamiliar creature that wanders too close.

Occasionally, travelers may stumble upon a small herd of Oliphaunts. These beasts dwarf even the largest mammoth, and lumbers along with its enormous tusks swaying with the rhythm of its thunderous footfalls.

Multiple villages can be found of more nomadic peoples who live in the region. There are three well known races who call this region home: The Quagga, the Loxoda, and multiple tribes of Gnolls.
The Quagga are nomadic in that they travel throughout the Wandering Hills, following migratory herd fauna for hunting. They are good warriors, though are typically peaceful. The Quagga are smaller centaurs, though their skin resembles the black and white stripes of a zebra.
The Loxoda are massive creatures that many say resemble a combination of an ogre and an elephant. They typically travel around the wandering hills and parts of the Prismatic Forest, hunting food until they feel they have impacted an area enough, and then move on in the family group. They respect honorable combatants, especially ones that show great feats of strength.

Natural Resources

In the town of Silverwick, a mine of orichalcum was located and is currently in the posession of the town. Other mines are likely present, but currently have not been located or mapped.
Typical plants for crafting and alchemy for Plains regions can be found in this region.


  • Region - The Wandering Hills
Alternative Name(s)
The Thundering Hills
Rolling Hills


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