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The forests near Lake Krezk

The forest where Rose trained was along a tributary of Lake Krezk in the foothills of the Balinoks. On one side of the river was the forest that Emyr had declared to be under his protection; the other side was the territory of a particularly vicious fey.  

Emyr's Forest

    A breathtaking alpine forest with a variety of wildlife. Most of the animals here have at least passing familiarity with Rose. Emyr has warned Rose not to trust bats, rats, or wolves here or anywhere else in Barovia, and to exercise great care when summoning or charming them; Strahd is their true master, and any allegiance they might offer another is temporary. His prohibition against harming foxes only applied to this specific forest.   When you returned, several trees that had been healthy a few months ago were rotting away. There was no obvious pattern to which trees were rotted and which weren't, or to where the rot had begun--with some, it seemed to have started at a certain branch, whereas others had decay radiating from the trunk and still others seemed to be festering from the inside out. A few trees had had their bark peeled away, and some had warnings to Rose carved into them in druidic. Many of the animals were listless and horrifically scarred, and the entire forest's energy was muted.  

The Fey Forest

Neither of you have ever been to the fey forest. The trees are so thick and heavy that it almost looks like night even in the middle of the day. Rose has caught glimpses of strange creatures moving between the trees--not just typical Barovian "strange creatures" like dire wolves and dire bats, but wolverines with the shadows of men and swans that called out in sweet human voices.

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