The Crescent Mountain

A mysterious landmark in the south of Frysta.

Purpose / Function

While the true purpose of the mountain is unknown, the prevailing rumour is that a great beast lies within it that the gods trapped away.


While it is difficult to know exactly what the mountain is made of or looks like through the ever-present blizzard, all accounts say it appears like a crescent moon partially embedded into the earth. Those that have gone around the edges of the blizzard report seeing spikes of stone and ice and massive chasms that split the tundra.


Plenty of cults have tried to venture in to the blizzard in an effort to free the beast or gain it's favour, but they were never heard from again. A few select mages from Mansueta Kyra were seen entering the blizzard, but it is unknown if they ever returned due to the secretive nature of the school.
Founding Date
04 PS
Alternative Names
The Moon Beast, Sleeping Moon, Crescent End
Geographic Feature
Parent Location