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Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee

Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee

As Jarl of Lastlight and Sudureyja, Naerfi Oath-Knee is a proven ally and friend. A confident and menacing warrior utilising her swordsman training and tactical mind, Naerfi may fight for what is lawful and just, but like any Jarl, the lure of power is appealing to her.   Having met Naerfi when she was just a councilwoman on the Lastlight Council and master of the city guard, she gave Doomed 2 Die their first mission as party. Since then, she has proven to be a loyal ally to the party, threatening the Commonwealth with war over their safety and helping organize a retaking of Drekenheim from The Dragon Clan.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to the Clan Oath-Knee long before Aedrinar joined the 40 year war. Naerfi followed a line of soldiers and warriors who traced their history back to the founding of Lastlight itself. Naerfi was thrust into the world of politics at the age of 6 when her parents joined the coup against the Jarl of Laslight and joined the Ruling Council. Joining the war at the age of 14, Naerfi was a sailor on a raiding ship called the Light of Hel. Seeing some action in the Terrasic and Neapian bay theatres. Her father was slain in the battle of the Northern Shore as part of the vanguard on Gurnbourne, and her mother died in 1034, and Naerfi was forced back to Lastlight to take her clan's place on the council.   Taking control of the Lastlight guard, Naerfi kept herself involved in the war from afar and hired Jomsvikingr to protect trade exports from Aedrinar to their allies. Naerfi struggled to settle into her position on the council at first, but grew more confident and self-assured by 1052. Her honourable princables and lawful nature meant she was the only council member to not be on Fisk's payroll.   Naerfi helped to overthrow Fisk's network in Lastlight, becoming the Jarl in the process. She quickly found herself amongst the most powerful jarls in the kingdom, with the entire wealth and influence of Lastlight at her disposal.   Nearfi hired Ivar Lothgarssen and Val to journey to the commonwealth to free Doomed 2 Die, and began a close relationship with Queen Rhiannon in the process.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where doomed 2 die never met, Naerfi still recruited Torgier † to fight the Cult of Ragnarok, but also joined him alongside Torvak of Ysgard's Warrior and Killyn † in hunting down the cult. Alternate Naerfi died when Hundvar collapsed the mineshaft in the southern seal with the rest of her party, her death leading to chaos in Lastlight and allowing Val's alternate skallen syndicate to run wild.


Naerfi was educated by her parents in the art of war and fighting, and picked up basic skills of literacy and numeracy from the Lastlight schooling and tutor system.



Naerfi speaks with a faint Aedrinaran accent in a very well spoken but matter-of-fact way.
Status Alive   First Appearance: Session 1, New Begginings
Current Status
Assembling Allies for Doomed2Die
Current Location
Date of Birth
21st Flowertyme
Current Residence
Oath-Knee Manor
Medium length, black, thick and well groomed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Elvish
Ruled Locations
Appearances: 13
  • Session 1: New Beginnings
  • Session 2: Torgy Boy
  • Session 3: This Ship Ain't Sinking
  • Session 11: The Past, A Present, And the Future
  • Session 31: A Gathering (Mentioned only)
  • Session 34: Infection
  • Session 35: Ebony
  • Session 36: Shadow Over Ynnsmouth
  • Session 37: The Voyage Home
  • Session 38: Here There Be Giants
  • Session 67: The Devil in Me
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Alternate Reality)
  • Session 84: Spooky Stories and Scary Mansions
  • Session 107: Invitation from the King


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