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Furunheim is a major island and elderdom in the greater Asrinheim region as part of the Aedrinaran archipleago. Unlike its surrounding islands, Furunheim is uncharacteriscally warm and flat due to its prevelance of volcanic springs and hot lakes that cause hot air currents around the island and its coast. Furunheim is the 8th largest island in the archipelago and has a sizeable rural population due to its fertile soils around the hot lakes and volcanic springs.


Lying between -10ft and 100ft above sea level, Furunheim is flat and fertile compared to the other islands in the archipelago. The island is dotted with small and major volcanic lakes, the largest being Fury Tarn, around the capital of Ferenvire. The only other sizeable and named lake is Lake Meres to the east of the island. The other lakes are small and inconsistent, usually tying in with geyser erruptions or heavy precipitation, such as the deftly named Lake Sometimes near Marthiel.   Tundra foliage can be found throughout the island, but most densly in the north around Marthiel, called the Mirthwood. This dense evergreen forest is supposidly enchanted and protected by fey spirits, with strict lumber quotas and limitations in palce to prevent permanant deforestation. The Mirthwood was encompassed most of northern Furunheim, with centuries of storms, irrigation, and lumber work reducing it to its current size.   There are no major rivers on the island, only occasional winterbournes that form in the autumn and spring months. Fury Tarn once connected with the wider ocean when King Olaf Kingmaker destroyed the Isthmus that divided the freshwater lake and the sea during his invasion of Furunheim in the 6th century. The damage would be repaired with quarryed stone imported from Rockhelm with the artificial causeway still known as King Olaf's Isthmus.


Furunheim sees little snow or hail in comparison to the rest of the Aedrinaran archipleago. The warm air causes the frozen perciption to melt a few hundred feat above the ground in most cases, but in the colder months snow becomes more frequent as the coldness becomes harder to overcome. During the second age, Ferenvire served as a resort town thanks to its warm springs and climate during the colder months for the wealty Vaniri from the northern reaches of their lands. this trade has all but dried up in the past thousand years, with the island becoming more isolated and small in comparison to other Ice Elf lands.


In the early mythic age Furunheim was populated by nomadic human Aedrinarans under the influence of the cult of the forgotten gods. House Furyborn text states a triumvirate of temples were placed on the island before Frigga ordered them destroyed by the Furyborns. The island was the second to be colonised by the Ice Elves after Sudalfenland.   The three major settlements of Krakenpost, Ferenvire, and Marthiel would be built up throughout the waning centuries of the mythic age under the rulership of House Furyborn. The island later saw some action during the Jotun-Vaniri war, where numerous shipwrecks from the Battle of the Alesian Bay washed up on the eastern shores of the island.   Furunheim's history has largely been quiet. A popular local saying goes, "Things only happen in Furunheim every half a millenium." The island did not see larger historical involvement till the war of the Great Houses, where the Furyborn managed to defend their island from other houses and took part in the campaign against House Springfast.   The island was invaded by King Olaf III Kingmaker in 522, 3e. The Aedrinaran High King conquered the island and killed the entire Furyborn line bar Elder Tiristar Furyborn†. Tiristar would return to his homeland from his adventures during the Marcian wars with legendary psionic master Zedithir Galandrel at his side in 580, 3e. For two years, the pair gathered allies including Olisander Dirthstone and Teris and Igraine Boreas to wage an uprising against the Aedrinarans. During the reign of the weak King Karl III the Fury Rebellion would begin as war against encompassed the island.   The most major battles was the initial battle at Krakenpost, the Krakenpost Uprising, The Second Battle of Ferenvire, the Battle of Mirthwood, and the Battle of Carnaigh. Karl's forces were roundly defeated by 584 and the island was again under Furyborn control.   The following few centuries would be peaceful outside of the death of Tiristar's eldest children iun various accidents and adventuring mishaps, leaving his youngest son Arystyr Furyborn as the heir of the island and only Tiristar's youngest child and only daughter, Aera Furyborn as surviving Furyborn.   During 1052, 3e, the year of Tiristar's death, the island came under attack from fae creatures under the influence of The Dark Enchanter. Aera and Arystyr would survive two assassination attempts thanks to the involvement of Doomed 2 Die.
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