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Forgotten Gods

The Forgotten Gods are a series of dead dieties that were killed by the Honoured Gods during the mythic age. Although their names and deeds have been scrubbed from history, bar the tales of their 'cruelty' to the ancient Aedrinarian peoples, relics and names of the deceased gods have been cropping up in since the end of the 40 Year War as the Ragnarok prophecy reaches it conclusion.  
God Portfolio Domains Allignment Symbol Notes
? ? ? ? ? ?
Auril Winter Nature, Tempest NE Six Pointed Snowflake
Bane Ambition, Control, Tyranny Order, War LE Upright black hand, thumb and fingers together King of the Forgotten Gods
Beshaba Misfortune, bad luck Trickery CE Black Antlers
Bhaal Murder Death NE Skull surrounded by a ring of bloody droplets
Loviatar Pain Death LE Nine-tailed barbed scourge
Malar Hunt Nature CE Clawed Paw
Myrkul Death, decay, old age, exhaustion, dusk, autumn Death NE White human skull
Shar Darkness, loss, night, secrets, forgetfullness Death, Trickery NE Black Disk with a purple border
Talona Poison, disease Death CE Three tear drops in a triangle
Talos Storms, forest fires, earthquakes, tornados, destruction Tempest CE Three lightning bolts radiating from a point
Umberlee Sea Tempest CE Wave curling left and right
Vecna Evil secrets Arcana, Death, Knowledge NE Hand with an eye in the palm Deafeated by Odin and Hel, eye and hand taken as trophies. Eye in possession of The Piper, hand in the possession of General Salazar.

Divine Origins

The 'Forgotten Gods' were the original gods of the human inhabitents of the Aedrinaran archipelago. Their cults and temples spanned across the ancient isles. In Aedrinaran myth, the gods grew 'cruel and cowardly' and exploited their human worshippers, turning them into 'thralls' to their divine wills. The Forgotten Gods also crop up in the mythology of the neighbouring Svartvelheim culture, with legends saying how Lich King Gryllfagor learned of lichdom from the forgotten god Vecna.   In traditional Ice Elf mythology the forgotten gods are referred to as Abhiraghai, 'from the darkness' in common. Their temples and cults form a prominent part as antgonists in the tales of the Vaniri conquest of Asrinheim, with the 'Mistress of Night and Loss' causing the 'Long Night' battles in Northern Asrinheim that ended with Frigga, queen of the Ice Elves, joining Odin and his warriors in fighting the pantheon.   The pantheon would be destroyed when they slew the wife of Odin of the Raven Clan, bringing the warchief into open rebellion and gathering heroes from across the isles including Jotun and Vaniri warriors to defeat the pantheon. Each were killed and their divine essence was slowly absorbed, allowing the heroes to become gods in their own right and claim their former gods' home plane as their own, transforming it into Ysgard.


Worship of each god varied, and most of it has been erased by the early Aedrinarans and Ice Elves. What has been uncovered by Doomed 2 Die is listed below:  


Malar was the Beast Lord and God of the Hunt. One of his temples was unearthed in Krakenpost and disguised by the high librarian of the Order of Labelas in Furunheim as a Primal Elf ruin.   Tests of his faithful involved grueling and challenging feats including fighting ropers, defeating a Gorgon, and hiding from a Mage Hunter before facing down with a a beholder kin. In his final chamber, the reward appeared to be a cursed chalice and a tablet of infernal knowledge.  


Lovitar, the goddess of pain and torture, was encountered in the form of a champion juggernaught twice by Doomed 2 Die. From the pyramid they found the juggernaught in and its lair within the sewers of Jameleska Loviatar worship seemed to largely involve causing pain to others and oneself.
Religious, Pantheon


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